A command line tool for generating scrum cards from jira. It allows you to customise the styling of the scrum cards using an erb template.
You are going to need to
- Install the jira-cards gem
gem install jira-cards
- Enable the jira RPC-Plugin
- Install wkhtmltopdf
When you first run the tool it will ask you:
- The url to your jira instance e.g. jira.atlassian.com
- A username & password for accessing jira. Whatever user you use must be an admin
- Path to the wkhtmltopdf e.g. C:\\Program Files\\wkhtmltopdf\\wkhtmltopdf.exe
- If you want to use the default templates
- If no, the path to the template erb & css file
You can view the current configuration using the config command:
jira-cards config
If you want to change the config, you can use the reset flag:
jira-cards config --reset
For printing individual issues.
—output: The path you want the pdf written to
e.g. c:\foo\bar.pdf
—keys: The issue keys you want to print
You can specify individual keys (separated by comma), e.g.
jira-cards issues --keys "foo-1, foo-4, foo-10" --output c:\temp\test.pdf
You can also specify ranges (a la ruby ranges) of keys e.g.
jira-cards issues --keys foo-4..foo-10 --output c:\temp\test.pdf
or you could go crazy and have both!
jira-cards issues --keys foo-4..foo-10,foo-14,foo-21..foo-35 --output c:\temp\test.pdf
For printing all issues for a team for a specific version.
—output: The path you want the pdf written to
e.g. c:\foo\bar.pdf
—project: The name of the team
e.g. “Foo Team”
—version: The version you want to print cards from
e.g. “Iteration 30”
jira-cards iteration --project "Foo Team" --version "Iteration 30" --output c:\temp\test.pdf
The scrum cards are generated from an erb html template which is then converted to pdf using pdfkit. There is a default template however if wish to customize the look/fields you will need to set the path to the erb template and css stylesheet in the configuration (if you want to change the config: jira-cards config —reset). You can access all of the issues via the @issues variable (an array of issues). Common Properties:
- issue_type: e.g. Story, Bug, Epic
- summary
- key
- assignee
- points
- custom fields: all custom fields are available, e.g. “Business value” would be business_value
Have a look at the default template to see an example.