WASM + WASI talk & demonstration codes

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This is a repo containing the different demonstration codes used in the included talk on WebAssembly (WASM) and the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI).

Instructions building and running each demonstration is given below.

Demo 1: Simple Function

In the simple_wasm folder.

Build using:

clang --target=wasm32 --no-standard-libraries -Wl,--export-all -Wl,--no-entry -o add.wasm add.c -Oz

Run the code by serving the included index.html via:

python3 -m http.server

Demo 2: emscripten

Run the pyodide app, in the pyodide folder, using:

python3 app.py

Demo 3: Signal viewer

In the root directory of this repo.

Build and run the native app using:

cargo run --release

Build and run the WASM-based web app using:

trunk serve

Demo 4: Image convolutions

In the convolution directory.

Build and run the native app using:

cmake -Bbuild -H. -GNinja
ninja -C build

Build and run the single-threaded WASM app using:

em++ main.cpp -fwasm-exceptions --preload-file photo.bmp -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH --post-js post.js
node a.out.js

Build and run the multithreaded WASM app using:

em++ main.cpp -fwasm-exceptions --preload-file photo.bmp -pthread -sPROXY_TO_PTHREAD -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH -DTHREADS=1 --post-js post-threads.js
node a.out.js

Build and run the wasi-sdk app using:

${WASI_SDK}/bin/clang++ --sysroot=${WASI_SDK}/share/wasi-sysroot main.cpp -o main.wasm -fno-exceptions
wasmer run --dir . main.wasm