Solutions written in whatever I felt like that day (probably MATLAB)
- Day 1: MATLAB
- Day 2: MATLAB (the input has a slight modification, where there is a header row, see in day2 folder for example)
- Day 3: Still MATLAB
- Day 4: Looks like its gonna be MATLAB (the regex %s/\n/ /g was applied to the input before feeding in)
- Day 5: MATLAB!
- Day 6: MATLAB (mintersect.m borrowed from
- Day 7: MATLAB
- Day 8: You bet its gonna be MATLAB
- Day 9: !!
- Day 10: yep MATLAB
- Day 11: all aboard the MATLAB train
- Day 12: you know it
- Day 13: nothing ever changes
- Day 14: am I trapped in MATLAB?