Project Title

Almundo callCenter proyect

This app can dispatch call center calls, it contains 3 kind of employees (operators, supervisors and directors), this app uses a queue that is order by kind of employee, first all operators attend calls, if there is not any operator available and there is another call, the supervisor will take it, the same happen when there are not available supervisor, the call will be take by a director.

When an employee finishes a call, it will be able to attened another call. if all the employees are busy the call will be waiting until an employee can attent it.

Each call can last between 5 and 10 minuts pir call.

you can configure using the file application.poperties you can set the max number of operators, supervisors and directosr, how many call will be attened at the same time and the maximin number of the calls queue. and the calls durations.

Getting Started

To run this proyect, you have to install maven and java 8. you have to download this proyect with git, after you have to install dependencies with maven using mvn clean install, and you can run the project with the command mvn spring-boot:run or you can generate the jar file with mvn clean install and open the target folder and excecute it.

Built With Maven


When there is not an employee available, the call will be waiting until an employee can attend him, this using a PriorityBlockingQueue, this queue will order the objetcs by level (this is configuratred in the model class method compareTo) and each employee in the queue will take a call, using the method take form PriorityBlockingQueue, when there in not an employee in the queue means that the PriorityBlockingQueue will block the incomming call until a employee be insert in the queue again with the method add fro PriorityBlockingQueue.

Author Jhon Velasquez.