
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Wagtail Footnotes

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Add footnotes functionality to your Wagtail project.


  • Add the app to INSTALLED_APPS:
    # ...
    # ...
  • Add the footnotes urls.py to your project's urls.py:
from wagtail_footnotes import urls as footnotes_urls

urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    path("footnotes/", include(footnotes_urls)),
    # ...

Note: The URL has to be defined as above as it is currently hardcoded in the Javascript.

  • Update your page models to show the footnotes field:
class InformationPage(BasePage):
    # ...
    content_panels = [
        # ...
        InlinePanel("footnotes", label="Footnotes"),
  • Update your RichTextBlocks
    • Add "footnotes" to the features arg for each RichTextBlock that you want to have this functionality
    • You will also need to change any RichTextBlocks to wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes
  • Update your page templates to include {% include "wagtail_footnotes/includes/footnotes.html" %}

Make and run migrations:

./manage.py makemigrations
./manage.py migrate


    • Default: ["bold", "italic", "link"]
    • Use this to update a list of Rich Text features allowed in the footnote text.

Common issues

  • I click on the Fn button in the editor and it stops working
    • This is likely because the URL in the JS does not match the URL of the footnotes view. Check the URL in wagtail_footnotes/static/footnotes/js/footnotes.js matches the URL you set.
  • NoneType error when rendering page.
    • Make sure you are rendering the field in the template using {% include_block page.field_name %}


All contributions are welcome!


To make changes to this project, first clone this repository:

git clone git@github.com:torchbox/wagtail-footnotes.git
cd wagtail-footnotes

With your preferred virtualenv activated, install testing dependencies:

pip install -e '.[testing]' -U


Note that this project uses pre-commit. To set up locally:

$ pip install pre-commit
# initialize pre-commit
$ pre-commit install
# Optional, run all checks once for this, then the checks will run only on the changed files
$ pre-commit run --all-files

How to run tests

To run all tests in all environments:


To run tests for a specific environment:

tox -e python3.11-django4.2-wagtail5.2

To run a single test method in a specific environment:

tox -e python3.11-django4.2-wagtail5.2 -- tests.test.test_blocks.TestBlocks.test_block_with_features