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The Stryker dashboard

Local development


First things first, there's always something before you can start.

To make our life easier, we use NPM a lot. Make sure you have it installed.

Our application runs in Docker. If you don't already use it, now would be the time. Make sure the Docker daemon is up and running.

Azure Storage

We store our data in Azure Storage, so you need to be able to do so as well. On Windows, you can use the Azure Storage Emulator. For Mac users, we recommend creating a free Azure account.

GitHub OAuth application

Register a new OAuth application. This will allow users to connect to their GitHub account.

Make sure you set the Authorization callback URL to http://localhost:1337/auth/github/callback (you can also use your preferred port).

Build the application

Building the application is easy. First run npm install && npm run build, to build the application.

If you run into problems with building using npm, this is likely caused by our use of lerna combined with some of the latest node features. A solution is to only use the npm install and build command in the packages/website-frontend directory.


Next, you need to define the following environment variables in a Docker enviroment variables file:

You can also enter these in the commandline, but we recommend using a separate file because it contains sensitive information.

Variable Example Explanation Required
AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING DefaultEndpointsProtocol... Azure-issued String to connect to your Azure Storage. Yes
GH_BASIC_CLIENT_ID 1234567890abcdef1234 GitHub-issued Client ID. Yes
GH_BASIC_SECRET_ID 1234567890...abcdef1 GitHub-issued Client Secret. Yes
JWT_SECRET u7apm8MrMBe8Fwrx4uMH The secret for the HMAC algorithm that creates the signature of the JWT. Yes
NODE_ENV development Node setting for production environment. Used by us for some SSL settings. Can be either: production (default) or development. No
PORT 1337 Port on which Stryker Dashboard will listen for connections. No

Start the application

To start the application, you can now simply run docker run --env-file env.list -p 1337:1337 strykermutator/dashboard. This will spin-up a Docker container with the image that was build earlier; provide it with your environment variables set in the env-list file; and open port 1337 so you can access it on your local machine.

Stryker Dashboard should now be available at http://localhost:1337.

(Optional) Front-end development

Building and re-running the Docker image everytime you make a small front-end change is a bit too much work. We use a proxy config file packages/website-frontend/proxy.config.json, to redirect requests from the frontend running locally (served by running npm start) to the backend running in a Docker container.


Pull requests are welcome! See the list of open issues to get an idea of what you could work on. Or, if you have an awesome idea, please create a new issue or discuss it on Gitter.