_printf is a function build in C language to print an input with condiitions and rules into the standard output stream. Available "conversion specifiers"
- s: string format
- d and i: integer format
- u: unsigned integer format
- b: binary format
- r: reverse a string format
- R: encrypts a string into ROT13
- x and X: hexagesimal format in lowercase and capitals respectly
- o: octal format
- Dedicated man page to check our implementation
- all files are well-documented.
You can also:
- Reach us directly!
- @Dr2d4
- @jgalindogomez
We want to say thanks to a lot of people! @diegolopez1016 @luischaparroc @HolbertonCOL
_printf uses a lot of great tech developments:
- C language - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- printf - awesome web-based text editor
Also _printf is open source. You can check the public repository on GitHub.
- Add more formats
- Add flags
- Add Night Mode
Free Software, Hell Yeah!