Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)


The general objective is to create a model to predict whether an image has a cup / mug or not.

Steps to achievement

To achieve the goal, the following steps were necessary:

  • Data processing
  • Classification
  • Neural Network Tunning
  • Model Training

Local usage


  • Podman or Docker


  • In the same directory that you just cloned, run the command below, this is time consuming and will download 1.2G of packages

    podman build --tag cnn-pipenv --squash -f Containerfile
  • Then you just need to expose the current folder (the source code) and the dataset folder (already downloaded and extracted somewhere)

    podman run -it --rm -v ../DATASETS/your_dataset_path:/dataset \
                        -v .:/root/work cnn-pipenv
  • Now you should be inside the container, you can find the dataset you previously pointed out in / dataset in the current folder (before calling podman run) in / root / work

  • To enter venv, simply invoke pipenv shell

  • Okay, now just call the file with desired, example:

