
Astro workshop demo for Frontend Masters

Primary LanguageAstro

Astro Frontend Masters Workshop


What are we building?

Small business site that uses several of the common workflows that many (most?) websites end up following.

  • Marketing landing page
    • Hero images
      • Image handling
    • Cards
      • Featured Products
    • Newsletter capture
  • Shop
    • Advanced layout (nested)
    • Shared state
      • Solid cart
      • React item buttons (add to cart)
      • Nano stores to share state
  • Blog
    • Content Collections
      • Markdown
    • Dynamic routes
    • RSS feed
  • About
    • Markdown page
  • 404 page

What features do we want to cover?

  • Initializing a new Astro site
  • Local development
  • Pages
    • Supported file types
      • Astro
      • Markdown
      • HTML
    • Basic routing
    • Links
    • Custom 404 pages
  • Astro components
    • Frontmatter
    • Slots
  • Layouts
    • Basic layouts
    • Advanced layouts
  • Fetching data
    • Using fetch in Astro and other components
    • Loading API data
    • Loading from a headless CMS
  • Styling
    • Styling in Astro components
      • Scoped styles
      • Global styles
    • Astro goodies for CSS
      • class:list
      • define:vars
    • Importing stylesheets
      • local
      • npm packages
    • In frameworks:
      • CSS modules
  • Dynamic routes
    • When you want to render pages once at build time
  • Pagination
  • Content Collections
    • Basic setup and config
      • Defining a schema
      • Custom slugs
    • Using collections to build pages
      • Listing pages
      • Full entry pages
  • Endpoints
    • RSS
    • APIs
      • Static
  • SSR Mode
    • Dynamic routing
    • When you want to render pages on every request
    • API endpoints
  • Image handling
    • The assets directory
  • Hydrating JS components
    • client:* directives
    • Using multiple frameworks
    • Sharing state between islands
    • Sharing state between frameworks