0x00. Dart - Hello Dart


By: Youssef Belhadj Weight: 1Project will startJul 17, 2023 12:00 AM, must end byJul 18, 2023 12:00 AMwas released atJul 17, 2023 12:00 AM An auto review will be launched at the deadline# Resources Read or watch: Dart

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0. Hello Holberton!

      mandatory         Progress vs Score  Task Body Write a dart program that print   ` Hello Holberton! `    followed by a new line.
  • Use the function print ` youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 0-hello_holberton.dart Hello Holberton!

youssef@Holberton/Dart$ ` Task URLs Github information Repo:

  • GitHub repository: holbertonschool-web_dart
  • Directory: 0x00-hello-dart
  • File: 0-hello_holberton.dart Self-paced manual review Panel footer - Controls

1. The Quotes

      mandatory         Progress vs Score  Task Body Write a Dart program that prints exactly   ` "Programming is like building a multilingual puzzle `  , 
  • followed by a new line.

  • Use the function print

youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 1-quotes.dart
"Programming is like building a multilingual puzzle


Task URLs Github information Repo:

  • GitHub repository: holbertonschool-web_dart
  • Directory: 0x00-hello-dart
  • File: 1-quotes.dart Self-paced manual review Panel footer - Controls

2. Print Number

      mandatory         Progress vs Score  Task Body Complete this  [source code](https://intranet.hbtn.io/rltoken/jmLswiWKI7URawnYvrvwDg) 

in order to print the integer stored in the variable number, followed by Battery street, followed by a new line.

  • You can find the source code here

  • The output of the script should be:* the number, followed by Battery street ,

  • followed by a new line

  • You are not allowed to cast the variable number into a string

  • Your code must be 3 lines long ` youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 2-print_number.dart 98 Battery street

youssef@Holberton/Dart$ ` Task URLs Github information Repo:

  • GitHub repository: holbertonschool-web_dart
  • Directory: 0x00-hello-dart
  • File: 2-print_number.dart Self-paced manual review Panel footer - Controls

3. Print Doubles

      mandatory         Progress vs Score  Task Body Complete the [ source code](https://intranet.hbtn.io/rltoken/AVg02gE8vZUDlvKptam_dQ) 

in order to print the doubles stored in the variable number with a precision of 2 digits.

  • You can find the source code here

  • The output of the program should be:* Double: followed by the double with only 2 digits

  • followed by a new line

` youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 3-print_double.dart Double: 3.14

youssef@Holberton/Dart$ ` Task URLs Github information Repo:

  • GitHub repository: holbertonschool-web_dart
  • Directory: 0x00-hello-dart
  • File: 3-print_double.dart Self-paced manual review Panel footer - Controls

4. Print string

      mandatory         Progress vs Score  Task Body Complete this  [source code](https://intranet.hbtn.io/rltoken/iuVWIH7pyHMqbBb6unu8xA) 

in order to print 3 times a string stored in the variable str, followed by its first 9 characters.

  • You can find the source code here

  • The output of the program should be:* 3 times the value of str

  • followed by a new line and the 9 first characters of str

  • followed by a new line

  • You are not allowed to use any loops or conditional statement

  • Your program should be maximum 5 lines long

youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 4-print_string.dart > output 
youssef@Holberton/Dart$ cat -e output
Holberton SchoolHolberton SchoolHolberton School$

Task URLs Github information Repo:

  • GitHub repository: holbertonschool-web_dart
  • Directory: 0x00-hello-dart
  • File: 4-print_string.dart Self-paced manual review Panel footer - Controls

5. Assertion

      mandatory         Progress vs Score  Task Body Complete this  [source code](https://intranet.hbtn.io/rltoken/GrRgV_yUOndgJFi7buoQiw) 

in order to make it check if the number is bigger or equal to 80 print You Passed otherwise the output should be Uncaught Error: Assertion failed: "The score must be bigger or equal to 80

  • You can find the source codehere

  • You are not allowed to use IF/ELSE

youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart --enable-asserts 5-assertion.dart 79
Unhandled exception:
'file:/youssef@Holberton/Dart/5-assertion.dart': Failed assertion: line 3 pos 10: 'nb >= 80': The score must be bigger or equal to 80
#0      _AssertionError._doThrowNew (dart:core-patch/errors_patch.dart:51:61)
#1      _AssertionError._throwNew (dart:core-patch/errors_patch.dart:40:5)
#2      main (file:/youssef@Holberton/Dart/5-assertion.dart:3:10)
#3      _delayEntrypointInvocation.<anonymous closure> (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:295:32)
#4      _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:192:12)

youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart --enable-asserts 5-assertion.dart 80
You Passed

Task URLs Github information Repo:

  • GitHub repository: holbertonschool-web_dart
  • Directory: 0x00-hello-dart
  • File: 5-assertion.dart Self-paced manual review Panel footer - Controls

6. Positive anything is better than negative nothing

      mandatory         Progress vs Score  Task Body Write a dart Program That  given an  argument ,determine if  its positive or negative 
  • The variable number will store as a string you should converted to integer
  • The output of the program should be:
  • The number, followed by
  • if the number is greater than 0: is positive
  • if the number is 0: is zero
  • if the number is less than 0: is negative
youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 6-positive_or_negative.dart -4
-4 is negative
youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 6-positive_or_negative.dart 0
0 is zero
youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 6-positive_or_negative.dart -3
-3 is negative
youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 6-positive_or_negative.dart 10
10 is positive
youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 6-positive_or_negative.dart 6
6 is positive
youssef@Holberton/Dart$ dart 6-positive_or_negative.dart -10
-10 is negative

Task URLs Github information Repo:

  • GitHub repository: holbertonschool-web_dart
  • Directory: 0x00-hello-dart
  • File: 6-positive_or_negative.dart Self-paced manual review Panel footer - Controls