
How to implement swift code in objc

Primary LanguageObjective-C


How to implement swift code in objc

Follow this steps and you will success!

1 - Create your xcode project

2 - Create a new .swift file

3 - A dialogue box will appear, make sure to select “Create Bridging Header” when prompted.

4 - On Target -> build settings, search for "Packaging" and turn on "Defines Module"

5 - On your swift file (sample)

import Foundation


class MyClass: NSObject { public func test () -> String { return "Swift says hi to objc class!" } } Here pay attention to @objcMembers that will let objc class recognize swift class!

Find it here

6 - On your objc class .m or .h file import your auto generated Project-Swift.h file on step 3

My goal was to import it:

#import <Teste-Swift.h> And not:

#import "Teste-Swift.h" Thats it, after a headache i got tha answer

So at the end, my .m file was like this:

#import "ViewController.h" #import <Teste-Swift.h>

@interface ViewController ()


@implementation ViewController

  • (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad];

    MySwiftClass *myswiftclass = [[MySwiftClass alloc] init]; NSString *string = [myswiftclass test]; NSLog(@"%@",string); }

@end An my .swift file:

import Foundation


class MySwiftClass: NSObject { public func test () -> String { return "Swift says hi second swift class!" } } I hope this can help you folks.