Accessing PgAdmin in browser:


Access credentials

user: password: #PgDocker123

Adding a new Server

1 - Add new server 2 - In name the name you desire for 3 - Host name/address put container's name, in our case is: postgres-compose 4 - In Port use defaul pg port: 5432 5 - In Username we fill with the default PG user: postgres 6 - In Password put our .yml pass: #PgDocker123

Connect to Postgres in Docker Container

Code to connect $ docker exec -it [container_name] psql -U [postgres_user]

  • Where container_name is our container name: postgresql-pgadmin4-docker-compose_postgres-compose_1
  • postgres_user: postgres

So, we have this: $ docker exec -it postgresql-pgadmin4-docker-compose_postgres-compose_1 psql -U postgres

Now, let's create a new database: $ create database teste;

To view all databases run: $ \l

Connecting to prevvious created database $ \c teste You are now connected to database "teste" as user "postgres". teste=#

Let's create a new table users

CREATE TABLE users (id serial NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, age INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id));

Now drop a column ALTER TABLE users DROP COLUMN age;

Let's add a new column ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN address VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL;

It's time to insert some data INSERT INTO users (name, address) VALUES ('Umbrella Corporation', '545 S Birdneck RD STE 202B Virginia Beach, VA 23451');