
Node.js scraper to get basic app data from Google Play

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Scrapes basic application data from the Google Play store.


npm install google-play-scraper


app(appId, lang)

Retrieves the full detail of an application. Parameters:

  • appId: the Google Play id of the application (the ?id= parameter on the url).
  • lang (optional, defaults to 'en'): the two letter language code in which to fetch the app page.


var gplay = require('google-play-scraper');

    console.log('Retrieved application: ' + app.title);
    console.log('There was an error fetching the application!');


  appId: 'com.dxco.pandavszombies',
  title: 'Panda vs Zombie: Elvis rage',
  url: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dxco.pandavszombies&hl=en',
  icon: 'https://lh6.ggpht.com/5mI27oolnooL__S3ns9qAf_6TsFNExMtUAwTKz6prWCxEmVkmZZZwe3lI-ZLbMawEJh3=w300',
  minInstalls: 10000,
  maxInstalls: 50000,
  score: 4.9,
  reviews: 2312,
  histogram: { '1': 12, '2': 7, '3': 16, '4': 40, '5': 231 },
  description: 'Everyone in town has gone zombie.',
  descriptionHTML: 'Everyone in town has gone <b>zombie</b>.',
  developer: 'DxCo Games',
  updated: 'May 26, 2015',
  genre: ['Action'],
  version: '1.4',
  size: '34M',
  requiredAndroidVersion: '2.3 and up',
  contentRating: 'Mature 17+',
  price: '0',
  free: true,
  screenshots: ['https://lh3.ggpht.com/le0bhlp7RTGDytoXelnY65Cx4pjUgVjnLypDGGWGfF6SbDMTkU6fPncaAH8Ew9RQAeY=h310']
  video: 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/PFGj-W8Pe5s',
  comments: ['Great! Its a great time waster']


Retrieve a list of applications from one of the collections at Google Play. Options:

  • collection (optional, defaults to collection.TOP_FREE): the Google Play collection that will be retrieved. Available options can bee found here.
  • category (optional, deafaults to no category): the app category to filter by. Available options can bee found here.
  • num (optional, defaults to 60, max is 120): the amount of apps to retrieve.
  • start (optional, defaults to 0, max is 500): the starting index of the retrieved list.
  • lang (optional, defaults to 'en'): the two letter language code used to retrieve the applications.
  • country (optional, defaults to 'us'): the two letter country code used to retrieve the applications.
  • fullDetail (optional, defaults to false): if true, an extra request will be made for every resulting app to fetch its full detail.


var gplay = require('google-play-scraper');

    category: gplay.category.GAME_ACTION,
    collection: gplay.collection.TOP_FREE,
    num: 2
    console.log('Retrieved ' + apps.length + ' applications!');
    console.log('There was an error fetching the list!');


 [ { url: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playappking.busrush',
    appId: 'com.playappking.busrush',
    title: 'Bus Rush',
    developer: 'Play App King',
    icon: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/R6hmyJ6ls6wskk5hHFoW02yEyJpSG36il4JBkVf-Aojb1q4ZJ9nrGsx6lwsRtnTqfA=w340',
    score: 3.9,
    price: '0',
    free: false },
  { url: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yodo1.crossyroad',
    appId: 'com.yodo1.crossyroad',
    title: 'Crossy Road',
    developer: 'Yodo1 Games',
    icon: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/doHqbSPNekdR694M-4rAu9P2B3V6ivff76fqItheZGJiN4NBw6TrxhIxCEpqgO3jKVg=w340',
    score: 4.5,
    price: '0',
    free: false } ]


Retrieves a list of apps that results of searching by the given term. Options:

  • term: the term to search by.
  • num (optional, defaults to 20, max is 250): the amount of apps to retrieve.
  • lang (optional, defaults to 'en'): the two letter language code used to retrieve the applications.
  • country (optional, defaults to 'us'): the two letter country code used to retrieve the applications.
  • fullDetail (optional, defaults to false): if true, an extra request will be made for every resulting app to fetch its full detail.


var gplay = require('google-play-scraper');

    term: "panda",
    num: 2
  }).then(console.log, console.log);


[ { url: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.snailgameusa.tp',
    appId: 'com.snailgameusa.tp',
    title: 'Taichi Panda',
    developer: 'Snail Games USA',
    icon: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/g8RMjpRk9yetsui4g5lxnioAFwtgoKUJDBnb2knJMrOaLOtHrwU1qYkb-PadbL0Zmg=w340',
    score: 4.1,
    price: '0',
    free: true },
  { url: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sgn.pandapop.gp',
    appId: 'com.sgn.pandapop.gp',
    title: 'Panda Pop',
    developer: 'SGN',
    icon: 'https://lh5.ggpht.com/uAAUBzEHtD_-mTxomL2wFxb5VSdtNllk9M4wjVdTGMD8pH79RtWGYQYrrtfVTjq7PV7M=w340',
    score: 4.2,
    price: '0',
    free: true } ]


Returns the list of applications by the given developer name. Options:

  • devId: the name of the developer.
  • lang (optional, defaults to 'en'): the two letter language code in which to fetch the app list.
  • num (optional, defaults to 20, max is 250): the amount of apps to retrieve.
  • fullDetail (optional, defaults to false): if true, an extra request will be made for every resulting app to fetch its full detail.


var gplay = require('google-play-scraper');

gplay.developer({devId: "DxCo Games"}).then(console.log);


[ { url: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dxco.pandavszombies2',
    appId: 'com.dxco.pandavszombies2',
    title: 'Panda vs Zombie 2 Panda\'s back',
    developer: 'DxCo Games',
    icon: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/kFco0LtC7ICP0QrtpkF-QQahU-iwuDgEsH0AClQcHwtzsO5-8BGTf8QgR6dlCLxqBLc=w340',
    score: 3.9,
    price: '0',
    free: true },
  { url: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dxco.pandavszombies',
    appId: 'com.dxco.pandavszombies',
    title: 'Panda vs Zombie: panda ftw',
    developer: 'DxCo Games',
    icon: 'https://lh6.ggpht.com/5mI27oolnooL__S3ns9qAf_6TsFNExMtUAwTKz6prWCxEmVkmZZZwe3lI-ZLbMawEJh3=w340',
    score: 4.5,
    price: '0',
    free: true } ]


Given a string returns up to five suggestion to complete a search query term.


var gplay = require('google-play-scraper');



[ 'panda pop',
  'panda games',
  'panda run',
  'panda pop for free' ]


Retrieves a page of reviews for a specific application. Options:

  • id: Unique application id for Google Play. (e.g. id=com.mojang.minecraftpe maps to Minecraft: Pocket Edition game).
  • sort (defaults to 'newest'): The way the reviews are going to be sorted. Accepted values are:
    • 'newest'
    • 'rating'
    • 'helpfulness'
  • page (optional, defaults to 0): Number of page that contains reviews. Every page has 40 reviews at most.


var gplay = require('google-play-scraper');

  id: 'com.mojang.minecraftpe',
  page: 0,
  sort: 'rating'
  console.log('Retrieved ' + apps.length + ' reviews!');
  console.log('There was an error fetching the reviews!');


{ userId: '105245098829984360718',
    userName: 'Inga El-Ansary',
    date: 'June 7, 2015',
    score: 5,
    title: 'I LOVE IT',
    text: 'It has skins and snowballs everything I wanted its so cool I love it!!!!!!!!' },
  { userId: '113710523919870296648',
    userName: 'Millie Hawthorne',
    date: 'January 24, 2015',
    score: 5,
    text: 'Love it but needs to pay more attention to pocket edition' }]