- 0
Naming conventions
#11 opened by pjebs - 0
getSubDir() path bug when dot is present
#27 opened by tj - 0
Feature request: Optional exclusion pattern list
#24 opened by mcandre - 0
Query regarding logic
#23 opened by jeremyquinton - 2
AddAll keeps files it added open!
#19 opened by leo-stone - 0
AddAll with includeCurrentFolder=false has leading slashes on subdirectories in the archive
#18 opened by gavbaa - 1
Println in TarFile struct
#12 opened by viniciuschiele - 1
Permission Clobbering
#14 opened by terrorbyte - 0
Matching patterns and gz compression
#13 opened by terrorbyte - 2
Use of literal "/"
#3 opened by tooolbox