Created to test forms and download reports and queries from convio's Luminate Online due to Luminate's very limited API capabilities in regards to pulling a real amount of data from database.
This module uses an actual browser with selenium and beautifulsoup to pull reports and hence is relatively unstable and slow. If a better version of Luminate API become available consider this module irrelevant of soon to be updated.
For now, however, this was a real help to me in automating Luminate reporting, especially when paired with my send-reports module.
Find an example use below.
from luminate_web_control import reports
# initialize object
session = reports.ReportNavigation()
# download_trx_report takes the name of a form or campaign, a pull type, and a date.
# date_rng must match the types offered by Luminate.
# To grab all donations call the method with no parameters: session.download_trx_report()
session.download_trx_report(donation_categories=["The River and the Wall Giving"], pull_type="form")
# closes browser
from luminate_web_control import queries
# initialize object
session = queries.QueryNavigation()
# simply use the exact query name. File goes to set download folder.
session.download_query_results("Planned Giving Opt-Ins")
# closes browser
This can be used for testing and making changes to LO donation forms automatically. For example, to take a screenshot of every form and save the in an array:
from luminate_web_control import donation_forms
for key, value in forms.items():
print("Taking shots of " + key, form)
form = donation_forms.DonationFormNavigation(key, form)
# takes screenshot of first page in donation form and thank you page
# saves email to downloads folder using email address in
# closes browser