
Node.js global keyboard and mouse listener.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

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Node.js global native keyboard and mouse listener.
This module can handle keyboard and mouse events via native hooks.
(this module don't require Java (jnativehook) or any other runtimes. Raw C++ implementation, should be very fast)

If you like this module or are interested in updates, follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/wilixlead

OS Support

Already tested in:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 / 17
  • macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 and older
  • Windows (NOT TESTED YET)


This module use native library libuiohook and require some installed packages.
I really hope find way for use build systems for online build or download prebuild packages.

npm install iohook --save

Electron users [optional]

Before install this module, you need specify build runtime. Just add following to your package.json file (if you use two-package-json structure, add to app's package.json, not to build).
Checkout your ABI for node.js or electron

"iohook": {
  "targets": [
  "platforms": [
  "arches": [

NOTE: Please remember, when you install iohook, it try to use current node environment NOT ELECTRON OR NW.js

Prebuild support

iohook support prebuilded binaries for next environment versions:

  • electron:

    • [47] 1.0.2
    • [48] 1.2.8
    • [49] 1.3.13
    • [50] 1.4.15
    • [51] 1.5.0
    • [53] 1.6.0
    • [54] 1.7.0
  • node:

    • [46] 4.6.1
    • [47] 5.12.0
    • [48] 6.9.4
    • [51] 7.4.0
    • [57] 8.9.3
    • [59] 9.2.0

Support for node.js v0.12, io.js, nw.js is planed.

Manual compilation for your version of environment

iohook have prebuild binaries, it downloads when you try to install it.
But if you use specified version of node.js/nw.js/io.js/electron/etc. you can try compile it.
All what you need install os dependencies and start compilation:

Ubuntu 16

  • sudo apt install libx11-dev libxtst-dev libxt-dev libx11-xcb-dev
  • sudo apt install libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev
  • cd node_modules/iohook
  • npm run build


  • brew install cmake automake libtool pkg-config
  • cd node_modules/iohook
  • npm run build


Module is pretty simple for use. There is example:

'use strict';
const ioHook = require('iohook');

ioHook.on("mousemove", event => {
  /* You get object like this
      type: 'mousemove',
      x: 700,
      y: 400

//Register and start hook

If type ioHook.start(true); you can enable debug logger in native lib. Use it if you have troubles with this module

Shortcuts support

You can register global shortcuts.
NOTE: When shortcut called, keyup/keydown events still emit events. It mean if you register keyup and shortcut for ALT+t both events will be emited

registerShortcut(keys, callback):number
In next example we register CTRL+F7 shortcut (in MacOS, for other OS, keycodes can be some different)

let id = ioHook.registerShortcut([29, 65], (keys) => {
  console.log('Shortcut called with keys:', keys)

You can unregister shortcut by using shortcutId returned by registerShortcut()


Also you can unregister all shortcuts


Available events

keypress (NOT WORKING AT THIS MOMENT, USE keydown/keyup)

Calls when user press and release a key. Event contain next object:
{keychar: 'f', keycode: 19, rawcode: 15, type: 'keypress'}


Calls when user press a key. Event contain next object:
{ keychar: 'd', keycode: 46, rawcode: 8, type: 'keydown' }


Calls when user release a key. Event contain next object:
{keychar: 'f', keycode: 19, rawcode: 15, type: 'keup'}


Calls when user click mouse button. Event contain next object:
{ button: 1, clicks: 1, x: 545, y: 696, type: 'mouseclick' }


Calls when user press and release a key. Event contain next object:
{ button: 1, clicks: 1, x: 545, y: 696, type: 'mousedown' }


Calls when user press and release a key. Event contain next object:
{ button: 1, clicks: 1, x: 545, y: 696, type: 'mouseup' }


Calls when user press and release a key. Event contain next object:
{ button: 0, clicks: 0, x: 521, y: 737, type: 'mousemove' }


Calls when user press and release a key. Event contain next object:
{ button: 0, clicks: 0, x: 373, y: 683, type: 'mousedrag' }


Calls when user press and release a key. Event contain next object:
{ amount: 3, clicks: 1, direction: 3, rotation: 1, type: 'mousewheel', x: 466, y: 683 }

Known issues

In some cases, most often when you make mouse moves or keyboard events very fast, module crash with "Segmentation fault: 11". Looks like it is problem in my native implementation, but I still can't find a problem. Will be happy if somebody helps with it.


Thanks for libuiohook project!
Thank you ayoubserti for first iohook prototype
Thank you vespakoen for prebuild system implementation