
refactory of https://github.com/lbernail/demotiad

Primary LanguageHCL

The python application used in the demo ("vote") is derived from the docker example-voting-vote. Many thanks to them!

How to use the code from this demo

Build the vote application image and test it

docker build -t demotiad/vote:0.1 --build-arg version=0.1 docker/vote
docker tag demotiad/vote:0.1 demotiad/vote:latest

You can have a look at the image metadata

docker inspect --format='{{json .ContainerConfig.Labels}}'  demotiad/vote:0.1 | jq .
docker run --rm demotiad/vote:0.1 cat /Dockerfile

Start the application

docker-compose -f docker/simple-compose.yml up

This compose file simply starts the vote application and a redis container. You can now connect to the application in your browser (http://localhost:8080)


There is another compose file which mounts the docker directory to allow live edit of the python code (devsimple-compose.yml).

Destroy the containers

docker-compose -f docker/simple-compose.yml down

How to deploy this demo to AWS

Set AWS config

Create ssh keypair

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.tiad

Set AWS env

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<your access key>"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<your secret key>"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="<region>"

Set Terraform config

Edit "terraform/common/terraform.tfvars"
Update for your config:
    region = "eu-central-1"
    cidr_block = ""

Edit "terraform/common/backend.tf"
Update for your config:
    bucket = "tiad-tfstate"
    region = "eu-central-1"

Note: all terraform stack will be initialized with 'init' script (instead of 'terraform init' command)

Create repo with terraform

In terraform/repo

terraform apply

Build containers and upload images to repo

# Get repo url
cd terraform/repo
vote=$(terraform output ecr_vote_url)
dynnginx=$(terraform output ecr_dynnginx_url)
dynhaproxy=$(terraform output ecr_dynhaproxy_url)
cd -

# Build images
docker build -t demotiad/vote:0.1 --build-arg version=0.1 docker/vote
docker build -t demotiad/dynnginx dynnginx
docker build -t demotiad/dynhaproxy dynhaproxy

# Tag images
docker tag demotiad/vote:0.1 demotiad/vote:latest
docker tag demotiad/vote:0.1 ${vote}:0.1
docker tag demotiad/vote:latest ${vote}:latest
docker tag demotiad/dynnginx:latest ${dynnginx}:latest
docker tag demotiad/dynhaproxy:latest ${dynhaproxy}:latest

# Push images to repo
$(aws ecr get-login | sed "s/-e none//")
docker push ${vote}:0.1
docker push ${vote}:latest
docker push ${dynnginx}:latest
docker push ${dynhaproxy}:latest

Create VPC

In terraform/vpc

terraform apply

Create Consul AMI

In packer/consul-server/

# Get VPC & public Subnet to use with packer
cd ../../terraform/vpc
VPC_ID=$(terraform output vpc_id)
SUBNET_ID=$(terraform output public_subnets |tail -n 1)
cd -

# Build AMI
packer build -var-file=debian.params.json consul.json

Build Consul cluster

In terraform/consul

terraform apply


To connect to the conul UI we need to tunnel through the bastion (adapt with your public zone or use the bastion IP)

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.tiad admin@<bastion IP> -L 8500:consulagent:8500

The consul UI is now available at http://localhost:8500


Build ECS cluster

In terraform/ecs

terraform apply

Deploy backends

In terraform/app/backends

terraform apply

Check vote_url UI (output of backends)

Deploy Blue & Green frontends

In terraform/app/frontends/blue

terraform apply

In terraform/app/frontends/green

terraform apply

Refresh vote_url, the app is deployed

How to play with demo

Switch Blue <-> Green

2 solutions:

Add following header in your browser (many plugins allow to modify header):
  - X-Color=blue
  - X-Color=green
Add routes/vote key value in consul set to "blue" or "green"


Modify & Deploy new app version

# Update docker/vote/templates/index.html then

cd terraform/repo
vote=$(terraform output ecr_vote_url)
cd -

# Build images
docker build -t demotiad/vote:0.2 --build-arg version=0.2 docker/vote

# Tag images
docker tag demotiad/vote:0.2 demotiad/vote:latest
docker tag demotiad/vote:0.2 ${vote}:0.2
docker tag demotiad/vote:latest ${vote}:latest

# Push images to repo
$(aws ecr get-login | sed "s/-e none//")
docker push ${vote}:0.2
docker push ${vote}:latest

Upgrade Green

In terraform/app/frontends/green

terraform apply

Switch frontend and see new version
