
Supplementary data

Dataset S1. List of articles reviewed for evaluating the number and identity of pathogens carried by the giant land snail Lissachatina fulica.

Dataset S2. List of pathogens carried by carried by the giant land snail L. fulica.

Dataset S3. Hosts-pathogens associations for the 25 pathogens of L. fulica identified at the species level.

Dataset S4. R files allowing replication of the ensemble model performed to predict environmental suitability for L. fulica. This .Rdata object contains the cleaned and thinned GBIF occurrences for L. fulica presence and background (i.e., occurrences of Stylommatophora mollusks); the R script necessary to prepare data and run models; the R script necessary to prepare data and test differences in human density between L. fulica occurrences (native and invasive) and background occurrences.

Dataset S5. Number of Instagram users referencing L. fulica as pets per country and total number of Instagram users per country (source:


GloBI Review by Elton GloBI

These supplementary data were configured to be indexed by Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI, as they related to:

Gippet, J.M.W., Bates, O.K., Moulin, J. et al. The global risk of infectious disease emergence from giant land snail invasion and pet trade. Parasites Vectors 16, 363 (2023).