
A docassemble extension.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This package facilitates using docassemble for document assembly from Legal Server.

It creates a new API endpoint at /newlssession that accepts a POST. The endpoint creates a new session in an interview and pre-populates variables in the session based on the data fields passed to the endpoint. It accepts a special data field yaml, which must contain the filename of an interview on your system. This package contains a test interview, docassemble.lsdocumentassembly:data/questions/test.yml that you can use as a guide.

The suggested way to use this with Legal Server is to take advantage of the Guided Navigation feature of Legal Server, which has an advanced feature called "Perform an API call." You can create a Guided Navigation dialogue that calls the docassemble API and populates a custom field in the case called "URL for document assembly" with a URL that when clicked will take the user to a docassemble interview where variables have been pre-populated with values from the Legal Server case.

Docassemble setup

On your docassemble server, log in as an administrator and go to Profile, API keys. Create an API key and write it down somewhere. You will need it later.

Go to Package Management and set the GitHub URL to the URL of this repository, which is https://github.com/jhpyle/docassemble-lsdocumentassembly. Then press "Update" to install this package.

Create an interview on your server similar to the test.yml interview that is provided with this package. The main things to note are:

  1. There is a code block with mandatory: True that sets multi_user = True. This is important.
  2. The objects block is modified with mandatory: True. This is important if you need to pre-populate variables that are attributes of objects; an attribute cannot be pre-populated unless the underlying object instance already exists. The mandatory: True on the objects block ensures that the objects are created when the session starts.

Legal Server setup

Go to Admin, Custom Field Management and do Actions -> Create a New Custom Field. Select the Module "Case," Class Name "matter," Type "text," and set the Short Name to "URL for document assembly" or some other name of your choosing.

Go to Admin, Guided Navigation and click the "Create interactive dialogue" button. Set the Dialogue name to "Retainer agreement" or whatever you want to give as a name for your interview process. The user will see this name on the screen.

Click "Add new segment." Call your segment "First segment" or some other name of your choosing (only administrators will see it).

Click "Add element" and set the Element type to "Action: Perform an API call."

Set the URL of the API call to https://your.docassemble.server/newlssession, substituting the actual name of your docassemble server in place of your.docassemble.server.

Set the Method to "POST."

Set the Post type to "JSON."

Set the HTTP Headers to:

X-API-Key: t0Ll8QGmXO5ctZ4H0UipFrBuGfhwGqS2

but instead of t0Ll8QGmXO5ctZ4H0UipFrBuGfhwGqS2 put in the API key you obtained earlier.

Set Authentication to "No authentication." The API endpoint actually does have authentication, but it uses the HTTP headers for authentication instead of "HTTP basic authentication" or "Bearer token."

Check the checkbox next to "Perform request asynchronously."

Under Parameters, click "Add parameter" and add a parameter of type "Static parameter." Set the "Parameter key" to "yaml" and the "Static value" to the interview filename of the interview on your docassemble server that you wish to launch. You can

You can add additional parameters of type "Value from a field" in order to pre-set variables in your docassemble interview. Put the variable name in "Parameter key" and select the Legal Server field under "Choose field." Do not check "Path parameter."

The sample interview uses the following variables and fields:

  • client.name.first for the "First Name" of the client.
  • client.name.last for the "Last Name" of the client.
  • ls_id for the "Matter/Case ID#" of the case.

Below the Parameters, check the checkbox next to "Update Case from response." Click "Add field to set" and choose the "URL for document assembly" field that you created earlier. Set "Jq Filter" to .url and don't forget to include the period at the beginning, because it is very important.

Click "Add element" to add a second element to the Segment. Set the Element type to "Field to capture" and set "Field to populate" to "URL for document assembly."

Set the Label to "URL."

Check the checkbox next to "Field should be read-only."

Under "Default destination," select "Exit this dialogue."

Click "Save segment."

Click "Save dialogue."

Under Admin, "Processes, Forms, and Profiles," do Actions -> New Auxiliary Form.

Give the form a Name like "Retainer agreement" to match the Guided Navigation dialogue you created earlier.

Select the "Yes" button next to "Create New Process Containing This Form?"

Set "Active" to "Yes."

Set "Add Continue Button" to "Yes.

Under "Form Elements," select Block from the dropdown menu. Select the "Dialogue Runner" block. Click "Add."

Under "Dialogue to run," select the Dialogue you just created.

Next, under "Form Elements," set the dropdown to Instruction and click "Add." Open the Instruction and check the "Format as HTML" checkbox. Fill in the Text of the instruction with the following:

<div id="dialogueinst"></div>
  for(var rows = document.querySelectorAll('.rrow > span'), i = rows.length; i--;){
    if (rows[i].innerHTML && rows[i].innerHTML.match(/^https?:.*/)){
         rows[i].innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + rows[i].innerHTML + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + rows[i].innerHTML + "<\/a>";

Adding this instruction is not necessary; all it does is make the "URL for document assembly" clickable.

Under Admin, "Processes, Forms, and Profiles," go to the Menu Boxes tab and edit the menu boxes for your main case profile. Under "Side/Action Elements," edit your "Custom Link Box Actions" and add a menu item for the "process" called "Retainer agreement."

To test this, go to a case and select "Retainer agreement" from the actions menu. If all goes well, the "URL for document assembly" will be populated with a URL when the page appears.