
Mallard support for Vim

Primary LanguageVimL

Mallard Support for Vim


The vim-mallard plug-in adds support for the Mallard XML language to Vim. It provides a syntax file, a filetype plug-in, and omni completion for Mallard 1.0 according to the Mallard 1.0 specification and the official RELAX NG XML schema. In addition, it implements a number of commands that integrate it with the yelp-check utility in order to provide maximum comfort when editing Mallard pages.


Installing the Plug-in Using Vundle

To install this plug-in by using the Vundle plug-in manager, add the following line to your ~/.vimrc:

Bundle 'jhradilek/vim-mallard'

Then run the following command in Vim:


Installing the Plug-in Using Pathogen

Pathogen looks for Vim files in the ~/.vim/bundle/ directory. To make sure that this directory exists, type the following at a shell prompt:

install -d ~/.vim/bundle/

To install this plug-in, change to the ~/.vim/bundle/ directory and clone this repository in it.

Installing the Plug-in Manually

Vim looks for its configuration files in the ~/.vim/ directory. To make sure that this directory exists, type the following at a shell prompt:

mkdir ~/.vim/

To install this plug-in, change to the directory with your local copy of this repository and run the following command:

cp -R * ~/.vim/

This copies all files and directories to the ~/.vim/ directory.


Configuring the yelp-check Support

The vim-mallard plug-in provides a number of customizable variables that allow you to adjust its behavior. To change these variables, add the following line to your ~/.vimrc file:

:let <variable_name>=<value>

The available variables are as follows:

Variable Description
g:mallard_comments_cmd The command to display editorial comments. The default value is yelp-check comments.
g:mallard_hrefs_cmd The command to display broken external links. The default value is yelp-check hrefs.
g:mallard_status_cmd The command to display the page status. The default value is yelp-check status.
g:mallard_validate_cmd The command to validate the current buffer. The default value is yelp-check validate.

For more information on how to set variables in Vim, refer to the Vim Documentation.

Adjusting File Type Detection

To configure Vim to automatically treat files with the .page or .page.stub file extension as Mallard source files, add the following line to your ~/.vimrc file:

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.page,*.page.stub set ft=mallard

For more information on how to configure file type detection in Vim, refer to the Vim Documentation.

Enabling Syntax Highlighting

To configure Vim to enable syntax highlighting, add the following line to your ~/.vimrc file:

syntax on

You can also explicitly enable file type detection by adding the following line to this file:

filetype on

For more information on how to enable and configure syntax highlighting in Vim, refer to the Vim Documentation.


To use the vim-mallard plug-in, either open a file with the .page or .page.stub file extension, or enable it for the current buffer by running the following Vim command:

:set filetype=mallard

When enabled, the vim-mallard plug-in provides syntax highlighting and omni completion for Mallard. In addition, it implements a number of commands that integrate it with the yelp-check utility if this utility is installed on the system. The available commands are as follows:

Command Description
:MallardComments Displays editorial comments in the currently edited Mallard page.
:MallardHrefs Displays broken external links in the currently edited Mallard page.
:MallardStatus Displays the status of the currently edited Mallard page.
:MallardValidate Validates the currently edited Mallard page.

See Also

  • vim-snippets — A complete set of snippets for the Mallard XML language.


Copyright © 2013 Jaromir Hradilek

This program is free software; see the source for copying conditions. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.