
A leaflet TileLayer using Ordnance Survey OpenSpace web map service

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Leafletjs TileLayer to display Ordnance Survey map data in your Leaflet map via the OS OpenSpace web map service.


The os-leaflet project is a new L.TileLayer that can be used to easily get Ordnance Survey products into a Leaflet map.

Note: This layer uses an Ordnance Survey service that requires an API KEY - see http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/web-services/os-openspace/



This repository contains the following sections:

  1. src/osopenspace.js - This contains the source code to the L.TileLayer.OSOpenSpace layer.
  2. Demo - A simple demo to show off the functionality.

Getting started

!Beware; this is experimental and not production ready.


Download these dependencies and import into your project so that this OS OpenSpace layer can work.

Note: The order of import should be as above; Leaflet, Proj4js, Proj4Leaflet and then OS OpenSpace layer - see the demo for an example.

Register for an API key

Ordnance Survey require an API key for use with their tile service, head over to OS OpenSpace to register before using on own website.

This layer uses the OS Openspace Free service and with the mapstack or products configured for the best experience available with the Free service.

Note: This will work locally without an API key; both localhost and file:/// hostname and protocol override the need for a key.

Displaying a map

The os-leaflet project extends Leaflet's L.TileLayer.WMS class and integrates easily with Leaflet.

To use the Layer in your map just get the L.Proj.CRS - Coordinate Reference System, how the earth is represented in this part of the world - via a factory method.

var osgbCrs = L.OSOpenSpace.getCRS();

Create a L.Map as normal but specify the L.Proj.CRS created above and set Leaflet options continuousWorld to true and worldCopyJump to false. The zoom levels available are essentially the layers provided by this OSOpenSpace layer so set these as below.

var map = new L.Map('map', {
    crs: osgbCrs,
    continuousWorld: true,
    worldCopyJump: false,
    minZoom: 0,
    maxZoom: L.OSOpenSpace.RESOLUTIONS.length - 1,

Finally, create a new L.TileLayer.OSOpenSpace and add to the map instance as normal. L.TileLayer.OSOpenSpace takes two params, (apiKey, options) as (String, Object) - the apiKey should be the Ordnance Survey OpenSpace API key for the website domain name to be used.

var openspaceLayer = L.tileLayer.osopenspace("<API Key>", {}); 


Don't forget to set the map centre to somewhere in Great Britain too.

See our demo for an example of using the layer.


This layer is currently hard-coded to work with only Ordnance Survey products with 200px tiles are working at the moment, the resolutions available are below.

[2500, 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2.5] 
// OV0, OV1, OV2, MSR, MS, 250KR, 250K, 50KR, 50K, VMD

For the full spec, see OS website


Please open an issue for any problems.