

It tracks your Courses.

Running it in your local environment:

  • First, fork it to your Github account, then clone it to your local virtual environment. If you would like to use a command line using Github CLI, run:

(you may want to authenticate yourself first)

gh auth login --web


gh repo fork --clone

  • Then, go into the project folder named /you-shall-not-pass-grade-calculator

  • Install dependencies:

npm install

Things to add

  • Create a .env file in config folder and add the following as key = value
    • PORT = 2121 (can be any port example: 3000)
    • DB_STRING = your database URI

  • Make sure that you're in the right branch: mobile-responsive-v2

  • Finally, run:

npm start

  • You should be able to use the app locally!


To update, simply run:

git pull upstream main