Bot for updating results in writing contests at Wikipedia, deployed at
Create a new Python3 virtualenv and activate it:
mkdir -p www/python/venv
python3 -m venv www/python/venv
. www/python/venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies:
pip install .
If installation fails on Mac, try
LDFLAGS=-L/opt/homebrew/lib pip install .
Generate locales:
make all
Start a MariaDB instance with the necesseary database tables:
docker compose up -d
Create a configuration file:
cp .env.dist .env
and modify it if needed. The default database credentials should work with the MariaDB instance from Docker, but you may need to add Wikimedia credentials (Oauth 1.0a consumer-only credentials) if you want to actually run the bot locally.
Within the virtualenv you should now be able to run the bot. For testing purposes, you can create a sandbox contest page such as this one: and test the bot with that page:
ukbot --page Bruker:Danmichaelo/Sandkasse5 --simulate config/
or using the wrapper script:
JOB_NAME=no-mk JOB_ID=adhoc1 ./jobs/ --page Bruker:Danmichaelo/Sandkasse5
To test the webinterface locally:
FLASK_UWSGI_DEBUG=true uwsgi --ini --python-autoreload 1 --master --http :5000
The bot is deployed at ToolForge under the "UKBot" account using Webservice and the Toolforge Jobs Framework.
See for deployment notes.