Example: MongoDB Ruby Driver with GridFS

Load Example Script/Class

  1. Load Example Script with GridfsLoader class

    $ irb
    > require './gridfs_loader'
     => true 
  2. Get Connection to MongoDB

    > GridfsLoader.mongo_client
    creating connection mongodb://localhost:27017 test
     => #<Mongo::Client:0x16705380 cluster=localhost:27017> 

Import a File (into GridFS)

  1. Locate Example File to Import

    $ ls -ltrh
    total 7.5M
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 jim jim 313K Nov  9 04:11 image1.jpg
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 jim jim 7.2M Nov  9 04:11 image2.jpg
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 jim jim 1.3K Nov 11 01:14 gridfs_loader.rb
  2. Load the Operating System (OS) File

    > os_file=File.open("./image1.jpg", "rb")
     => #<File:./image1.jpg> 
  3. Create a GridFS File from OS File

    Note that we are not passing in any file description properties at this time. All info will be derived form the raw file itself.

    > grid_file = Mongo::Grid::File.new(os_file.read)
      => #<Mongo::Grid::File:0x16281840 filename=> 
  4. Inspect the GridFS File

    > grid_file.methods
     => [:chunk_size, :content_type, :filename, :id, :md5, :upload_date, :chunks, :data, :info

    MongoDB assigns an id we can use later to get the data from GridFS.

    > grid_file.id
     => BSON::ObjectId('5642e168e301d09ce9000000') 

    Content type defaults to binary/octet-stream

    > grid_file.content_type
     => "binary/octet-stream" 

    Filename is nil because this is not derived from the os_file or data and we did not pass in file description properties in when we created the file.

    > grid_file.filename
     => nil 

    MongoDB calculates an md5 hash from the data.

    > grid_file.md5
     => #<Digest::MD5: 3468ca1c23cc13ac6af493c4642cc72a> 

    MongoDB timestamps the creation of the file at the time the MongoDB File was created. It is not yet technically in MongoDB/GridFS yet.

    > grid_file.upload_date
     => 2015-11-11 06:32:29 UTC 

    Much of what was shown above enacsulated in the file's info object.

    > grid_file.info
     => #<Mongo::Grid::File::Info:0x21616940 

    Chunks are broken up into ~255KB

    > grid_file.chunk_size
     => 261120 

    Our 313K OS File was broken up into two (2) chunks of up to 255K each.

    > grid_file.chunks.count
     => 2 
    > grid_file.chunks
     => [#<Mongo::Grid::File::Chunk:0x0000000293a6c8 ... "n"=>0}>, 
         #<Mongo::Grid::File::Chunk:0x0000000293a330 ... "n"=>1}>] 
  5. Write the GridFS File into GridFS

    > c=GridfsLoader.mongo_client
    creating connection mongodb://localhost:27017 test
     => #<Mongo::Client:0x20670940 cluster=localhost:27017> 
    > r=c.database.fs.insert_one(grid_file)
     => BSON::ObjectId('5642e168e301d09ce9000000') 

Export File (from GridFS)

  1. Find the GridFS File (by ID)

    > stored_file=c.database.fs.find_one(:_id => BSON::ObjectId('5642e168e301d09ce9000000'))
     => #<Mongo::Grid::File:0x19799600 filename=> 
  2. Create an Output File to Write To

    > os_file2=File.open("./exported_copy.jpg","wb")
     => #<File:./exported_copy.jpg>
  3. Write data to File

    > stored_file.chunks.size
     => 2 
    > stored_file.chunks.reduce([]) { |x,chunk| os_file2 << chunk.data.data }
     => #<File:./exported_copy.jpg> 
  4. Locate New OS File Copy

    -rw-rw-r--. 1 jim jim 313K Nov  9 04:11 image1.jpg
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 jim jim 7.2M Nov  9 04:11 image2.jpg
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 jim jim 1.3K Nov 11 01:14 gridfs_loader.rb
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 jim jim 313K Nov 11 02:17 exported_copy.jpg

Adding File Info/Description

  1. Create a description hash to pass into GridFS initialize

    > description={}
     => {} 
  2. Assign a filename (this is a standard property)

    > description[:filename]="myfile.jpg"
     => "myfile.jpg" 
  3. Assign a content_type (this is a standard property)

    > description[:content_type]="image/jpeg"
     => "image/jpeg" 
  4. Assign some custom properties. This must go in metadata (metadata is a standard property but what is within metadata is custom)

    > description[:metadata]={:author=>"kiran", :topic=>"nice spot"}
     => {:author=>"kiran", :topic=>"nice spot"} 
  5. Pass the file properties into initialize with OS File with data bytes

    > grid_file = Mongo::Grid::File.new(os_file.read, description)
     => #<Mongo::Grid::File:0x22644620 filename=myfile.jpg> 
  6. Notice the standard properties showing up in the info object

    > grid_file.info
     => #<Mongo::Grid::File::Info:0x22644480 
  7. Write data and file properties into GridFS

    > r=c.database.fs.insert_one(grid_file)
     => BSON::ObjectId('5642f149e301d09ce9000009') 

Find Files (Grid::File)

  • Query standard properties at document root

    > c.database.fs.find_one(:contentType=>'image/jpeg', :filename=>'myfile.jpg')
     => #<Mongo::Grid::File:0x20470500 filename=myfile.jpg> 
  • Query custom metadata properties using nested property dot (".") syntax

    > c.database.fs.find_one(:"metadata.author"=>"kiran", :"metadata.topic"=>{:$regex=>"spot"})
     => #<Mongo::Grid::File:0x18411820 filename=myfile.jpg> 

Find File Properties (Ruby Hash)

  • Query standard properties at document root

    > require 'pp'
    > pp c.database.fs.find(:contentType=>'image/jpeg', :filename => "myfile.jpg").first
     "uploadDate"=>2015-11-11 07:41:50 UTC,
     "metadata"=>{"author"=>"kiran", "topic"=>"nice spot"},
  • Query custom metadata properties using nested property dot (".") syntax

    > pp c.database.fs.find(:"metadata.author"=>"kiran", :"metadata.topic"=>{:$regex=>"spot"}).first
     "uploadDate"=>2015-11-11 07:41:50 UTC,
     "metadata"=>{"author"=>"kiran", "topic"=>"nice spot"},

Deleting Files from GridFS

  • Delete a specific File

    > id=c.database.fs.find(:"metadata.author"=>"kiran").first[:_id]
     => BSON::ObjectId('5642f149e301d09ce9000009') 
    > r=c.database.fs.find(:_id=>id).delete_one
     => #<Mongo::Operation::Result:22441840 documents=[{"ok"=>1, "n"=>1}]>
    > r.deleted_count
     => 1 
    > r.n
     => 1 
  • Delete all Files

    > r=c.database.fs.find.delete_many
     => #<Mongo::Operation::Result:18398180 documents=[{"ok"=>1, "n"=>6}]> 

Last Updated: 2016-02-21