
JHU Data Archive Fedora repository Docker image

Primary LanguageJava

Fedora Image

Provides the Fedora repository image used by the JHU Data Archive. Notably the image adds:

  • servlet filters enhancing Fedora's capablity with respect to interacting with JSON-LD.
  • custom Spring context which supports authorization
  • custom Jetty Authenticator stack supporting Shibboleth and Basic Auth


Automated Build Build Status


Environment Variables

Description Variable Default Value
Port used by Jetty at runtime FCREPO_JETTY_PORT 8080
The Fedora REST API endpoint (must be updated if FCREPO_JETTY_PORT changes) FCREPO_BASE_URI http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest
REST API username FCREPO_USER fedoraAdmin
Base directory containing Fedora repository assets FCREPO_DATA_DIR /data/fcrepo
Default log level for Fedora FCREPO_LOGLEVEL DEBUG
Modeshape configuration file (a Spring Resource URI) FCREPO_MODESHAPE_CONFIG classpath:/config/file-simple/repository.json
Default log level for Fedora authentication FCREPO_AUTH_LOGLEVEL DEBUG
Shibboleth SP HTTP header containing the authenticated username FCREPO_SP_AUTH_HEADER REMOTE_USER
Role(s) assigned to Shibboleth authentiated users (CSV string) FCREPO_SP_AUTH_ROLES fedoraUser

Build Arguments

Description Variable Default Value
Enables the debug and debuglog Jetty modules when true ENABLE_CONTAINER_DEBUG false