
Scripts for migrating data from xerxes to oriole

Primary LanguagePython

Oriole Data Migration

Scripts to transfer data from the Xerces MySQL database to Oriole.


pipenv is used to manage python packages. Install it first and them install the packages

pipenv install

Xlint is used to check the XML format.

Extract data from Xerces MySQL

Xerces data are stored in MySQL in XML format. To extract the data, run the following:

Export data from MySQL:2yeR6cSdy3

mysql --user=xerxes --password -h mysql.mse.jhu.edu -e "SELECT data from xerxes.xerxes_databases;" > data.txt
mysql --user=xerxes --password -h mysql.mse.jhu.edu -e "SELECT subcat_2_db.database_id as database_id, cat.name AS catname, subcat.name AS subname FROM xerxes.xerxes_user_categories cat INNER JOIN xerxes.xerxes_user_subcategories subcat ON cat.id = subcat.category_id INNER JOIN xerxes.xerxes_user_subcategory_databases subcat_2_db ON subcat.id = subcat_2_db.subcategory_id WHERE cat.published = TRUE ORDER BY 2, 3, 1" > data/xerxes_tags.csv

Make it an XML and clean up

cat data.txt | tail -n +2 | sed 's/^<\?xml.*\?>\\n//' | sed 's/\&\#xD;//g' | sed 's/\\n//g' | sed 's/<!--[^>]*-->//g' | sed '1s/^/<?xml version="1.0"?><databases>/' | sed '$s/$/<\/databases>/'  > data.xml

Check the format

xmllint --noout data.xml

Load data into Oriole

Create .env file and configure the environment variables. Follow the example in .env.example.

Simply run the following:

pipenv run python load.py


  • load.py: the main script to load data into Oriole
  • publishers.py: the script to extract publisher data from Xerces data. See jira:OR-137
  • settings.py: Loading environment variables
  • .env: environment variables used by the scripts
  • data: Data directory
    • data.txt, data.xml: data extracted from Xerces.
    • fast_facets.txt: list of FAST facets
    • fast_terms.txt: list of FAST terms
    • oriole_map_db_to_terms.txt: mapping of FAST term to databases.