
Virtual Reality App Development - A short 2018 intersession course of Johns Hopkins University

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Virtual Reality App Development

A short 2018 intersession course of Johns Hopkins University. This syllabus is tentative and will be adjusted.

Office hour: Monday and Friday, 1pm - 2pm, Krieger Hall 107


  • Instructor: Weichao Qiu (qiuwch at gmail)
  • Assistant: Yi Zhang (edwardz.amg at gmail)

Slack team: https://jhu-vr.slack.com, register with your jhu.edu email or request an invitation.


This course will introduce how to use Unreal Engine (UE4), one of the most popular game engines to create virtual reality applications. Basic concepts of a virtual reality application will be covered, such as head-mounted device (HMD), controllers, etc. These concepts will be explained concretely using examples from Unreal Engine. Students will learn the workflow of creating a virtual reality application, including how to use 3D assets and basic scripting. There will be two Oculus Rift for demo, experience and development. Knowledge of computer graphics and C++ is encouraged but not required. UE4 is capable to create many kinds of VR applications, varying from famous VR game RoboRecall to architectural visualization applications



Assignments are optional but can be chosen from

  • An essay about a VR application you want to create
  • A simple VR project demonstrating what you learnt from this course, or a team project creating a small VR app


Students need to have a windows or mac machine to finish the progammming assignments, Linux is also ok but less recommended. Check this page for recommended hardware: https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Recommended_Hardware#Desktop