
backbone-aware mixins for react and a whole lot more

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Give Backbone awareness to your React components and so much more.

  • give Backbone.Model / Backbone.Collection awareness to your React components
  • mixins for updating on model change events, be aware of model xhr activity and model validation events and more
  • add Backbone.View like declaritive events to your React components
  • add dependency management to your React mixins
  • use Backbone.Model-aware input components
  • includes managed event bindings which will clean up when the React component is unmounted

This project indludes/depends on the following other projects

Common Examples

      mixins: ['modelChangeAware'],

      render: function() {
        // will be called any time this.props.model is changed
      mixins: ['modelXHRAware'],

      render: function() {
        // this.state.loading will be truthy during any XHR activity initiated by this.props.model
      mixins: ['modelEvents'],

      events: {
        'model:foo': 'onFoo',
        '*throttle(300)->model:foo': 'onThrottledFoo'

      onFoo: function() {
        will be executed when this.props.model triggers the "foo" event

      onThrottledFoo: function() {
        will be executed and throttled (300ms) when this.props.model triggers the "foo" event


View the installation and API docs
