
Deep speaker embeddings in PyTorch, including x-vectors

Primary LanguagePerl

Deep speaker embeddings in PyTorch


Python Libraries



Data preparation

Training features are expected in Kaldi nnet3 egs format, and read using the nnet3EgsDL class defined in train_utils.py. The voxceleb recipe is provided in pytorch_run.sh to prepare them. Features for embedding extraction are expected in Kaldi matrix format, read using the kaldi_io library. Extracted embeddings are written in Kaldi vector format, similar to xvector.ark.


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 train_xent.py <egsDir>
usage: train_xent.py [-h] [--local_rank LOCAL_RANK] [-modelType MODELTYPE]
                     [-featDim FEATDIM] [-resumeTraining RESUMETRAINING]
                     [-resumeModelDir RESUMEMODELDIR]
                     [-numArchives NUMARCHIVES] [-numSpkrs NUMSPKRS]
                     [-logStepSize LOGSTEPSIZE] [-batchSize BATCHSIZE]
                     [-numEgsPerArk NUMEGSPERARK]
                     [-preFetchRatio PREFETCHRATIO]
                     [-optimMomentum OPTIMMOMENTUM] [-baseLR BASELR]
                     [-maxLR MAXLR] [-numEpochs NUMEPOCHS]
                     [-noiseEps NOISEEPS] [-pDropMax PDROPMAX]
                     [-stepFrac STEPFRAC]

positional arguments:
  egsDir                Directory with training archives

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --local_rank LOCAL_RANK
  -modelType MODELTYPE  Refer train_utils.py
  -featDim FEATDIM      Frame-level feature dimension
  -resumeTraining RESUMETRAINING
                        (1) Resume training, or (0) Train from scratch
  -resumeModelDir RESUMEMODELDIR
                        Path containing training checkpoints
  -numArchives NUMARCHIVES
                        Number of egs.*.ark files
  -numSpkrs NUMSPKRS    Number of output labels
  -logStepSize LOGSTEPSIZE
                        Iterations per log
  -batchSize BATCHSIZE  Batch size
                        Number of training examples per egs file
  -preFetchRatio PREFETCHRATIO
                        xbatchSize to fetch from dataloader
  -optimMomentum OPTIMMOMENTUM
                        Optimizer momentum
  -baseLR BASELR        Initial LR
  -maxLR MAXLR          Maximum LR
  -numEpochs NUMEPOCHS  Number of training epochs
  -noiseEps NOISEEPS    Noise strength before pooling
  -pDropMax PDROPMAX    Maximum dropout probability
  -stepFrac STEPFRAC    Training iteration when dropout = pDropMax

egsDir contains the nnet3 egs files.

Embedding extraction

usage: extract.py [-h] [-modelType MODELTYPE] [-numSpkrs NUMSPKRS]
                  modelDirectory featDir embeddingDir

positional arguments:
  modelDirectory        Directory containing the model checkpoints
  featDir               Directory containing features ready for extraction
  embeddingDir          Output directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -modelType MODELTYPE  Refer train_utils.py
  -numSpkrs NUMSPKRS    Number of output labels for model

The script pytorch_run.sh can be used to train embeddings on the voxceleb recipe on an end-to-end basis.

Pretrained model

1. Speaker Verification

To reproduce voxceleb EER results with the pretrained model, follow the below steps. NOTE: The voxceleb features must be prepared using prepare_feats_for_egs.sh prior to evaluation.

  1. Download the model
  2. Extract models/ and xvectors/ into the installation directory
  3. Set the following variables in pytorch_run.sh:
  4. Extract embeddings and compute EER, minDCF. Set stage=7 in pytorch_run.sh and execute:
    bash pytorch_run.sh
  5. Alternatively, pretrained PLDA model is available inside xvectors/train directory. Set stage=9 in pytorch_run.sh and execute:
    bash pytorch_run.sh

2. Speaker Diarization

Place the audio files to diarize and their corresponding RTTM files in demo_wav/ and demo_rttm/ directories. Execute:

bash diarize.sh


1. Speaker Verification (%EER)

Kaldi pytorch_xvectors
Vox1-test 3.13 2.82
VOICES-dev 10.30 8.59

2. Speaker Diarization (%DER)

NOTE: Clustering using https://github.com/tango4j/Auto-Tuning-Spectral-Clustering

Kaldi pytorch_xvectors
DIHARD2 dev (no collar, oracle #spk) 26.97 27.50
DIHARD2 dev (no collar, est #spk) 24.49 24.66
AMI dev+test (26 meetings, collar, oracle #spk) 6.39 6.30
AMI dev+test (26 meetings, collar, est #spk) 7.29 10.14