Binary Dependencies
gcloud kustomize: 3.5.5 terraform: 0.13.3
- a GKE cluster
- the ECK operator 1.2.0 must be installed in the elastic-system namespace (our config is in /operator for reference)
1. Build infra
- nodepool
- snapshot Service Account
- snapshot bucket
- k8s namespace
- k8s secrets
export TF_VAR_gke_cluster_project=<your gcp project>
export TF_VAR_gke_cluster_name=<your cluster name>
export TF_VAR_gke_cluster_region=<your region>
pushd terraform
terraform init
terraform plan -out=plan.tfplan
terraform apply plan.tfplan
2. Apply k8s manifests
kustomize build k8s/dev | kubectl apply -f -
3. Register snapshot repo
kubectl port-forward -n issue-4137-reproduction svc/issue-4137-reproduction-es-http 9200
This should succeed, and you should see
4. Create an invalid service account key value
In ./terraform/, modify gcs.client.default.credentials_file
in the resource resource "kubernetes_secret" "issue-4137-reproduction-gcs-creds
to something obviously invalid, like changing the client_email
to something that does exist.
5. Register the snapshot repo again (without reloading)
You may need to stop and rerun the port forwarding command, I did.
This should succeed as the secure setting has not been reloaded
6. Reload secure settings and Register the snapshot repo again
This will succeed as the invalid service account key has not been refreshed correctly.
7. Cleanup
kustomize build k8s/dev | kubectl delete -f -
pushd terraform
terraform destroy