
remove "type": "module" in `package.json`

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Currently, "type": "module" is not supported well in webpack 5 or ts-node, in package.json it already has "exports" and "module" fields set properly, so no need the "type": "module" field.

same issue is also happening with the just-performance

@yaquawa are you able to provide a small repro of the issue? Do you have a webpack setup where the build currently fails, but removing "type": "module" causes the build to succeed? I tested with the latest webpack while reorganizing the project, but I'm sure there are configurations that I missed which is why it would be helpful for me to see for future regression testing.

This is the issue which causes ts-node to trip up when it encounters libraries with the "type": "module" field set

Fixed in #79