Give me an instance of mine image on OpenStack. Hurry!
To run 5minute you need to install following libs:
To install them from RPMs (Fedora), please do dnf -y install $( cat requirement-rpms.txt )
If you have installed 5minute using pip, they were installed as dependencies. Otherwise, you have to install them manually.
Get config file:
- Login into your OpenStack instance WebUI
- Navigate to Access & Security -> API Access
- Save file from "Download OpenStack RC File" to ~/.5minute/config
Get started:
Show help:
$ 5minute help
Upload your SSH public key:
$ 5minute key ~/.ssh/
Show images we can work with:
$ 5minute images
Boot your machine (consider adding '--name' or '--flavor' to the command):
$ 5minute boot <image_name_or_id>
When the boot is finished, you should be able to ssh to your new machine
$ ssh root@<machine_ip_address>
You can list your current machines:
$ 5minute list
When you are done, kill the machine (you can do this via OpenStack webUI as well):
$ 5minute delete <machine_name_or_id>
To list available OpenStack scenarios:
$ 5minute scenario templates
Run scenario:
$ 5minute scenario boot <scenario_template_name>
When finished with the scenario, you should delete it:
$ 5minute scenario delete <scenario_name_or_id>