Bot to record scrum status messages from MBU Perf&Scale team

The bot is supposed to be part of #team-perfscale-general and there it waits for Reminder: Hello @perfscale ! share your daily scrum update. messages. Once there is some message like that, bot waits for messages in that thread and if they start with Done, they are recorded as a status message.

Good guide I have followed:

Slack app setting

This is what I use now, although I think list of permissions can be trimmed down:

  • Socket Mode: enabled
  • OAuth & Permissions -> Scopes:
    • app_mentions:read - View messages that directly mention @jhutar_bot in conversations that the app is in
    • channels:history - View messages and other content in public channels that jhutar-bot has been added to
    • chat:write - Send messages as @jhutar_bot
    • groups:history - View messages and other content in private channels that jhutar-bot has been added to
    • im:history - View messages and other content in direct messages that jhutar-bot has been added to
    • mpim:history - View messages and other content in group direct messages that jhutar-bot has been added to
    • reactions:write - Add and edit emoji reactions



python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running locally:

export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='sqlite:////tmp/database.db'
export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=xoxb-...
export SLACK_APP_TOKEN=xapp-...
flask db upgrade

Running it

Building container:

podman build -t localhost/jhutar-slack-bot:latest -f Containerfile .

Running container locally:

touch db.sqlite
podman run --rm -ti -v ./db.sqlite:/usr/src/app/db.sqlite:Z -e SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=sqlite:////usr/src/app/db.sqlite -e SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=xoxb-... -e SLACK_APP_TOKEN=xapp-... localhost/jhutar-slack-bot:latest flask db upgrade
podman run --rm -ti -v ./db.sqlite:/usr/src/app/db.sqlite:Z -e SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=sqlite:////usr/src/app/db.sqlite -e SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=xoxb-... -e SLACK_APP_TOKEN=xapp-... 8080:8080 localhost/jhutar-slack-bot:latest

Running in OpenShift:

oc -n <namespace> apply -f deploy.yaml
(and edit secrets in secret/jhutar-slack-bot-secret)

And rolling out latest image when running it in OpenShift:

oc -n <namespace> rollout latest DeploymentConfig/jhutar-slack-bot
oc -n <namespace> rollout status DeploymentConfig/jhutar-slack-bot

Data retention policy

Messages are stored indefinetely.