
PWN is the goal...but make sure you avoid a “PWN GOAL?!?!”

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm Travis (.org) Codecov Snyk Vulnerabilities for GitHub Repo

A CLI tool to help you scan, enumerate, escalate and...PWN (legally of course)


node required

npm install --global pwngoal

No Install Usage

node still required

npx pwngoal scan ports -i

What can you do with pwngoal?

Generally, pwngoal will help you enumerate servers and keep track of your progress...also, it lets you copy commands to your clipboard for easy use when you are trying to reverse your shell or escalate your privilege.

Specifically, pwngoal lets you

  • Scan TCP and UDP ports with masscan and/or nmap
  • Analyze services on open ports with nmap and amap automagically
  • Save results for export and review
  • Easily display results in the console, neatly organized in nice tables
  • Copy useful commands to your clipboard for easy access (parameterized with options passed via the command line)

See the available commands with pwngoal -h


“A goal is not always meant to be [PWNed], it often serves simply as something to aim at.”(edited) ―Bruce Lee

“Perhaps when we find ourselves [PWNing] everything, it is because we are dangerously close to [PWNing] nothing.”(edited) ―Sylvia Plath

“I love the challenge of starting at zero every day and seeing how much I can accomplish.”(edited)
Martha Stewart

Also, make sure you don't score an OWN GOAL!?!?