
Stop users from shutting down a running Windows system

Primary LanguageC#ISC LicenseISC


NonStop allows one to deactivate/hide the possibility of shutting down (or sleeping) a Windows system.




  1. Get the source (Cloning/Downloading)
  2. Open the NonStop.sln with Visual Studio for example
  3. Build the project
  4. There should now be a NonStop.exe which you can run


The program was tested on Windows 10 x64.

How does it work?

NonStop alters registry values in the background so that shutting down/sleeping is not possible anymore on the given machine.
(Look at src/NonStopTool.cs to see the mentioned registry keys)


The program cannot currently stop a user from shutting down a system via PowerShell/CMD which is not easily possible.


Ideas and suggestions are welcome in general.
If you like to submit a patch make sure to format your code accordingly.