Customized subconverter deployed to okteto
- Create your own account in okteto and ensure can get API Token from okteto
- Fork this repository
- Create some sercets in your repository
- CR_PAT: Create a token with the permission write:packages in the access token, and then use the value of this token to create a sercet named CR_PAT in your repo
- OKTETO_TOKEN: Get API Token from okteto to create a sercet named OKTETO_TOKEN in your repo
- OKTETO_NAMESPACE: Create a sercet named OKTETO_NAMESPACE in your repo, The value is which namespace you want to deployed in okteto
- Run github action again.
Note:This repo use GitHub Container Registry to store image, so make sure your github account has enabling improved container support. otherwise you will get the error
denied: failed_precondition: Improved container support has not been enabled for 'xxx'
To enabe the feature in github, reference the document