
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

imreadeval is a package to evaluate the performance of various python imread functions from different packages.


pip install imreadeval

PS. If you use anaconda, please install dependencies before pip install. The default dependency install is pip based.

Packages Evaluated

  • Pillow
  • OpenCV
  • Matplotlib
  • imageio (descendent of scipy.io.imread, which is deprecated)
  • SciKit-Image (depend on SciPy)


Just evaluate

import imreadeval

or just import a fastest imread function by

from imreadeval import imread

or try to evaluate different imread functions using YOUR OWN IMAGES

from imreadeval import imread_eval

optimum_package_name = imread_eval(filenames = ['filename1.jpg', 'filename2.png'], times = 1000)


  1. git clone the repo git@github.com:quxiaofeng/imreadeval.git
  2. pip install -e .
  3. python -c "import imreadeval"


This package is done during my work hours in both LUMI United and Tsinghua University, Graduate School at Shenzhen. Thanks for the kind arrangement.