
Welcome to Software Engineering Bootcamp!

Software Engineering Bootcamp is Rocket Academy's flagship career conversion course. It builds on material taught in Coding Basics. On successful completion of Bootcamp, students can expect to be job-ready full-stack software engineers.

Current Batch Schedules

  1. Full Time Batch 4
  2. Full Time Batch 5
  3. Part Time Batch 1
  4. Part Time Batch 2


Rocket's Bootcamp syllabus is divided into 10 modules (listed in the table below). Each module covers key topics in software engineering that are highly relevant in today's industry. Our course schedules and content are subject to minor alterations as we strive to fulfil the changing needs of our students and the industry.

Module Weeks Name Topics Stack
1 1-2 Frontend Basics HTML, CSS, Intermediate JavaScript, ES6 Frontend
2 3-4 Backend Basics Node.js, HTTP, File Servers, Command Line Programs Backend
3 4-8 Backend Application Web Application Servers, SQL Databases, Authentication Backend
4 9 Backend Structure ORM, Sequelize, MVC Backend
5 10 Full-Stack Application AJAX, APIs Full Stack
6 11-12 Frontend Infrastructure Webpack Frontend
7 13-16 React React Frontend
8 17-20 Advanced React, Advanced Full Stack Create React App, React Context, React Router Full Stack
9 21-24 Advanced Topics in SWE Testing, Security, Mobile, Data Science Full Stack
A 10-24 Algorithms Complexity Analysis, Arrays, Hash Tables, Stacks, Queues, OOP, Linked Lists, Recursion, Trees, Graphs, Heaps, Dynamic Programming N/A


Project Name
1 Video Poker
2 Server-Side Web Application
3 Full-Stack Game
4 Full-Stack React App
5 Advanced Full-Stack React App (Group Project)
6 Capstone


Students are expected to spend a minimum of 8 hours a day (ideally from 10am-6pm) on weekdays on coursework. This includes the 2 hours of live sessions from 10am-12pm GMT+8 and the 1 hour of Rocket Q&A typically from 12-1pm GMT+8 on Wednesdays.

Our schedule is organised by Course Days and Schedule Days. Course Days mark days of the course from 1.1 to 23.5. Schedule Days correspond to calendar days, e.g. Week 13 Day 4, where each Schedule Day has a designated Course Day except for public holidays during the course. Please see the Batch X Schedule page for your batch's schedule, where X is your batch number.

The Course Weeks pages list deliverables for each day of the course. Deliverables typically consist of videos, reading, and coding exercises. Each day's deliverables are due by the start of the day's class. We work on exercises based on each day's deliverables in pairs during class.

Class Agenda

  1. Review of post-class exercise(s) from the day before
  2. Review of the day's pre-class material
  3. Completion of the day's in-class exercise(s)
  4. Introduction of the day's post-class exercise(s)