
A Java wrapper for News API

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A flexible and easy-to-use Java wrapper for News API. (It only supports for Java 11 and above at the moment)

Maven Unit Test



Add the dependency to the pom.xml file


Quick Start

First, create a News API client

NewsAPIClient client = NewsAPI.newClientBuilder()

Then, build request parameters

// an example for "Top Headlines" endpoint
Map<String, String> topHeadlineParams = TopHeadlinesParams.newBuilder()

// an example for "Everything" endpoint
Map<String, String> everythingParams = EverythingParams.newBuilder()

// an example for "Source" endpoint
Map<String, String> sourcesParams = SourcesParams.newBuilder()

Finally, get recourses

NewAPIResponse response = client.getSources(sourcesParams);

// get status code

// get response body as a Java object and Json object (use Gson)
Sources sources = response.getBody();
JsonObject sourcesJson = response.getBodyAsJson();

// get headers
Map<String, List<String>>headers = response.getHeaders();


To build query parameters, TopHeadlinesParams.newBuilder(), EverythingParams.newBuilder() and SourcesParams.newBuilder() are avaliable to use. There are setters for each builder to help with creating proper params for a specific endpoint. Alternatively, you can build one your own with Map<String, String> type. Read News API Documentation for proper naming.

NewsAPI.newClientBuilder(): Initiate a NewsAPI.Builder that configures the Http request, settings are following,

  • setApiKey(String apiKey): Set api key for News API, this setting uses Bearer authorization header
  • setAuthorization (AuthTypes authType, String apiKey): Set api key and authorization type, options are AuthTypes.API_KEY_PARAM (pass api key as a query param), AuthTypes.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER (use Bearer authorization header) and AuthTypes.X_API_KEY_HEADER (use X-API-KEY header)
  • setHttpVersion (HttpVersions httpVersion): Set the http version, HttpVersions.HTTP (HTTP 1.1) or HttpVersions.HTTP_2 (HTTP 2)
  • setNoCache (boolean noCache): No cache on News API when it's set to true
  • build(): Build a NewsAPIClient instance

NewsAPIClient: It's an interface, an instance can be created through NewsAPI.newClientBuilder().build().

  • get (Endpoints endpoint, Map<String, String> params): Make a GET request to the endpoint passed in, query params are params
  • getEverything (Map<String, String> params): GET /everything, query params are params
  • getTopHeadlines (Map<String, String> params): GET /top-headlines, query params are params
  • getSources (Map<String, String> params): GET /sources, query params are params

NewsAPIResponse: It's an interface, an instance is returned after making an api call, get the response details by,

  • getStatusCode(): Get response status code
  • getBodyAsString(): Get response body as String
  • getBodyAsJson(): Get response body as a JSON object
  • getBody(): Get response body as a Java object, Everything, TopHeadlines or Sources depending on the endpoint
  • getHeaders(): Get response headers as a Map

Exceptions are throwed if the response status code is not 2xx

See Javadoc for more details.