
Recite the word by CLI from eudic. 欧路词典命令行背单词.

Primary LanguageGo

Recite words by Command-Line Interface

Get your eudic account

Register an account:


Make sure you pick a word book to recite on eudic's website or mobile app.

Expose the account to your shell

On macOS / Linux:

export EUDIC_USERNAME="name@example.com"
export EUDIC_PASSWORD="password"

On Windows: You had better to use the WSL. If you're using the CMD, maybe the set command helps.

Use the released binary artifact

Download the released artifact or you can do the build by your self:

go build

If the executable binary artifact shows up, you can run it.

chmod +x word



Check out the SDK: https://github.com/Lonor/go-eudic