
a slightly overengineered way of teaching iOS Accessibility

Primary LanguageSwift


a slightly overengineered way of teaching iOS Accessibility

frameworks & technologies

client app

  • SwiftUI: App interface.
  • UIKit: Challenge validation (validating accessibility features with UIAccessibility).
  • CoreLocation: Determine current location (using iBeacons, GPS, and compass).
  • AVFoundation/AVKit: Video during one of the challenge.
  • AVFAudio: Text to speech.
  • MultipeerConnectivity: Connect to console app and receive commands.
  • UserNotifications: Send notification if the user leaves the app for too long.
  • ActivityKit/WidgetKit: Create Live Activity indicating challenge progress.
  • CoreHaptics: Provide haptic feedback to locate beacons.
  • ARKit: Game Over sequence

console app

  • SwiftUI: App interface.
  • SceneKit: Creating a 3D map view.
  • MultipeerConnectivity: Connect to clients (iPhone).
  • CoreBluetooth: Connect to iBeacons to monitor if any of them fall offline.
  • CoreLocation: Calculate GPS origin point.
  • MapKit: Draggable map to place map pin down.

room scanner

  • UIKit: For user interface, mostly using UIKit and Storyboards.
  • RoomPlan: Room scanning using LiDAR.

iBeacon (Mac/iPad)

  • SwiftUI: App interface.
  • CoreBluetooth: Emitting iBeacon advertisments.
  • CoreLocation: Creating iBeacon advertisments.

how does it work?

Designed by Jia Chen and Tafa for the Apple Developer Academy @ Infinite Learning.