
A command line tool for cmorizing NorESM output

Primary LanguageFortran


1. General

noresm2cmor is a FORTRAN based command line tool for post-processing NorESM 
output using the Climate Model Output Rewriter (cmor) libraries.

System, model, experiment and variable information are set in namelist files 
which noresm2cmor reads during its execution. 

2. Installation

2.1 Download

Download noresm2cmor with
 git clone https://github.com/NorwegianClimateCentre/noresm2cmor

2.2 Build 

Change directory to noresm2cmor/build/  

Make a copy of Makefile.nird_intel - e.g., Makefile.xxx - and customize 
your make file. IMPORTANT: The build of noresm2cmor requires the fortran version 
of the cmor-library (see https://pcmdi.github.io/cmor-site/download.htm for 
download instructions).  

Build with
 make –f Makefile.xxx 

2.3 Installation of grid data and sample input (use only if data not available)

Change directory to noresm2cmor/scripts

Run installation script for grid data 
 ./install_griddata.sh <absolute path to folder where grid data should be stored> 

Run installation script for input data sample 
 ./install_sampledata.sh <absolute path to folder where sample input should be stored> 

2.4 Set paths to grid data, sample data and output folder  

Change directory to noresm2cmor/scripts

If install_griddata.sh not used, set path to grid data 
 ./setpath_griddata.sh <absolute path to folder where grid data is stored>

If install_sampledata.sh not used, set path to sample data 
 ./setpath_griddata.sh <absolute path to folder where sample input is stored>

Set path to output folder
 ./install_cmorout.sh <absolute path to folder where CMOR output should be stored>

3 Testing of CMORization on sample data

Change directory to noresm2cmor/scripts

Run CMORization test with 

4. General usage of noresm2cmor binary executable 


Load modules 
 . /usr/share/Modules/init/sh
 module unload netcdf gcc hdf
 module load gcc/4.7.2
 . /usr/share/Modules/init/sh
 module unload netcdf gcc hdf
 module load netcdf.intel/4.4.0 udunits/2.2.17 uuid/1.5.1
depending on whether noresm2cmor was compiled with intel or gnu. 


Make intel environment available and increase stack size  
 source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/compilervars.sh -arch intel64 -platform linux 
 ulimit -s unlimited 

Change directory to folder with executable
 cd noresm2cmor/bin

Start CMORization with 
 ./noresm2cmor <path to noresm2cmor's namelist file>
 ./noresm2cmor3 <path to noresm2cmor3's namelist file>

 ./noresm2cmor ../namelists/noresm2cmor_CMIP5_NorESM1-M_historical_r1i1p1.nml 
 ./noresm2cmor3 ../namelists/noresm2cmor3_CMIP5_NorESM1-M_historical_r1i1p1.nml

Call noresm2cmor or noresm2cmor3 without argument to prompt syntax.

5. Easy CMORization with cmorize_generic.sh wrapper script

Change directory to noresm2cmor/scripts

Start CMORization with 
 ./cmorize_generic.sh <absolute path to NorESM case folder> <start year> <end year> 

 ./cmorize_generic.sh `pwd`/../data/sampledata/N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_01 2000 2000

6. Parallel CMORization

NORSTORE (only CMOR2 parallel support):

Load modules with 
 module load intel/2017.1 openmpi.intel/1.10.2

Compile with
 cd build 
 make -f Makefile_cmor2mpi.norstore_intel 

CMORize (e.g. using 8 tasks) with 
 cd ../bin 
 export I_MPI_WAIT_MODE=1
 mpirun -n 8 noresm2cmor_mpi <path to namelist> 


Compile with
 cd build 
 make -f Makefile_cmor2mpi.nird_intel
 make -f Makefile_cmor3mpi.nird_intel

CMORize (e.g. using 8 tasks) with 
 cd ../bin 
 export I_MPI_WAIT_MODE=1
 mpirun -n 8 noresm2cmor_mpi <path to namelist> 
 mpirun -n 8 noresm2cmor3_mpi <path to namelist>