A CUDA implementation of Arithmetic Coding

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A CUDA implementation of Arithmetic Coding

System Requirement

  1. CUDA compatible-GPU which supports compute capability 2.1 or higher.
  2. Cuda Toolkit 9.0 or higher for compiling.



Compression file by GPU

./gpuar c --in data/random_64m.dat --out compress.gip

Decompression file by GPU

./gpuar d --in compress.gip --out decompress.dat

Compress file by CPU (--host)

./gpuar c --host --in data/random_64m.dat --out compress.gip

Check corectness of file compression/decompression

Using md5sum command to print hash code from decompression file

md5sum decompress.dat
md5sum data/random_64m.dat