Unbeatable Tic Tac Toe

  • without using minmax.

if the boardLayout is [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], we can know that the possible win method have only 8 ways.


So, the movement of bot actually dont have to know to win or to lose. it just need to take the way that most likely to be happened from this 8 ways.

Every round, both movement of bot and human will be recorded to calculate the possible move for bot.


if human took the places of [1,4] and the bot took the place of [5] so the possible move will left [2,3,6,7,8,9].

The bot will choose 7. because [1,4,7] will be more likely to be happenned.

Example 2,

human took the places of [6,9,5] and the bot took the place of [3,1] so the possible move will left [2,4,7,8]

Make a guess, which possible win way are more likely to occured.