
My internet blog. Random stuff


git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 <url>
  • -j8 is an optional performance optimization that became available in version 2.8, and fetches up to 8 submodules at a time in parallel — see man git-clone.


hugo new posts/
  • this commands will generate a post for you.

To update theme

git submodule update --remote --merge
  • please refer to PaperMod for the specific

Starting Application

hugo server -D

Building Application

hugo -D

DIY changes

The goal of this app was to put submodules in the themes folder to make it easier to maintain. However, I wanted to add lastmod dates into the posts. This had changed the structure, papermod theme is removed from submodule. We will need to manually add the theme for each new release. Simply download the new release and drag/drop.