
An experiment on Objective-C thread safe Model class design.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

ThreadSafe Class Design

An experiment on Objective-C thread safe Model class design.

One class is either thread safe or it is not.


Multithreading issue could be very tricky and hard to be fixed. To prevent random crashes, especially the bad access problem, I did an experiment on different threadsafe implementations and measured corresponding performance metrics.

In this experiment, the numbers of read and write actions are 9 : 1. In other words, at each test case, there are 90% read actions, and 10% write actions, It is a similar to real configuration which I did purposely.

Please check these scenario folders for the detail implementations.

Proposed Approaches:

Class/Queue Reader Writer ThreadSafe Reason
No Protection N/A N/A N
Atomic N/A N/A N Atomic cannot ensure threadsafe. It can reduce the chance of crash, but unable to prevent it from happening.
NSLock N/A N/A Y Each actions are excuted exclusively due to the NSLock protection.
@synchornized(self) N/A N/A Y Each actions are excuted exclusively due to the syncorized protection.
SerialQueue Sync Sync Y The queue only excute one action at a time
SerialQueue Sync Async Y As same as above
ConcurrentQueue Sync Sync N Although each read and write actions are synchronized to the callers, at an any time point, it is possible that multi actions are executed on that queue.
ConcurrentQueue Sync Async N As same as above
ConcurrentQueue Sync BarrierAsync Y One write action is executed exclusively with other write & read actions.

Another great explanation from StackOverFlow:

async - concurrent: the code runs on a background thread. Control returns immediately to the main thread (and UI). The block can't assume that it's the only block running on that queue.

async - serial: the code runs on a background thread. Control returns immediately to the main thread. The block can assume that it's the only block running on that queue.

sync - concurrent: the code runs on a background thread but the main thread waits for it to finish, blocking any updates to the UI. The block can't assume that it's the only block running on that queue (I could have added another block using async a few seconds previously)

sync - serial: the code runs on a background thread but the main thread waits for it to finish, blocking any updates to the UI. The block can assume that it's the only block running on that queue.


The following chart shows average time for 10k actions in each type of implementations. Performance Results

Recommended Approach:

Concurrent Queue with sync reader and barrier async writer.


  1. Why lock for read action
  2. How do not use a global queue?

Because the global queues are a shared resource and it doesn't make sense to allow a single component to block them for everybody.





Effective Objective-C 2.0 - Item 41




多线程情况下的随机crash是在iOS 编程过程中比较常见的一种问题, 并且这种类型的bug排查和修改都相对比较困难。网络上有挺多讲解多线程概念和基本用法的文章,在此我就不重复讲解了。 不过我发现很少有文章对各种不同实现进行对比和测试。所以就写了这一篇文章。

本文主要是通过探索如何实现一个线程安全的model类, 从而验证不同的实现方式是否能真正实现线程安全,同时也对这些实现的性能做一个初步的横向比较。

在Objective-C中,多线程相关的概念主要有atomic, NSLock, @synchronize, GCD, NSOperation. 由于NSOperation在底层上是通过GCD来实现的,所以本文将主要讨论前4种概念相关的实现方式。





类/Queue 线程安全 原因分析
无保护 N/A N/A N
Atomic N/A N/A N 很多人误解,以为设置成atomic就可以保证线程安全, 其实并非如此。具体原因见文末的补充说明
NSLock N/A N/A Y 互斥锁可以保证锁之间的所有操作都是互斥的。性能基本上和@synchronized相当。
@synchornized(self) N/A N/A Y 这种方式是最偷懒省事的办法。性能方面相对要差一些
SerialQueue Sync Sync Y 不管是sync 还是async 操作,serial queue可以保证一次只有一个block在执行,所以是线程安全的。
SerialQueue Sync Async Y 同上
ConcurrentQueue Sync Sync N 不管是sync write,还是async write 是无法保证线程安全的。因为在任意时间点,可能有多个write block在queue中运行。
ConcurrentQueue Sync Async N 同上
ConcurrentQueue Sync BarrierAsync Y 改用Barrier Async write 以后,写操作之间是互斥的。同时在写操作完成之前,不会执行之后加入的read操作,所以不会发生在数据在写的过程当中被读取的情况。


10k test block的平均执行时间(毫秒)


总体来说,并发读互斥写(Concurrent read,Exclusive write)是一个比较理想的多线程工作模式, 在确保线程安全同时也保留了多线程的性能优势。在Objective-C中,这种模式的具体实现就是concurrentQueue+sync read+barrier async write。当然,如果对于少量代码需要线程安全,同时性能方面要求不高的应用场景来说,@synchronized也是一种比较便捷的实现方式。


  • ####为什么atomic 无法保证线程安全

Atomic 只能保证单步操作的原子性。因此,对于简单的赋值或者读取操作,atomic还是可以保证该操作的完整性。但是,一旦涉及到多步骤操作,还是需要lock等其他的同步机制来确保线程安全。

####实例: @peroperty(atomic, strong) NSMutableArray * array;

array = [NSMutableArray array]; //线程安全

[array addObject:dummyObject];//线程不安全,在读取array后,执行addObject 的过程中,array所指向的object 可能已经在其他地方被释放了


  • ####为什么说@synchronized(self)的性能差

@synchronized 所包含的代码片段 一次只允许一个线程执行,同时又会阻塞调用线程, 类似上述表格中Serial queue + dispatch sync 的组合 。一旦这些代码片段同时被多个线程访问,就会对性能造成较大的影响。

  • ####测试代码中读操作:写操作数量 9:1 的原因说明

在实际的项目中,绝大部分情况都是读取数据,只有小部分情况需要写数据。 这样的设置主要是为了模拟实际的使用情况,增加测试结果的可参考性。






Effective Objective-C 2.0 - Item 41