
some dotfile configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

my dotfile configuration include git, tmux, zsh


git@github.com:jialezhang/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
sh setup.sh

zshrc: configuration of my zsh terminal

tmux.conf: configuration of my tmux

gprefix key
h-j-k-lnav key to jump around left-up-down-right panel;
H-J-K-Lresize the panel for the direction of left-up-down-right panel;
ccreate new window
nnext window
escchange into `copy-mode`(I have configuration to set short press `control key` as esc by using Karabiner
h-j-k-l(copy-mode)move jump around left-up-down-right panel;
rrelaod tmux config from ~/.tmux.conf
ppaste tmux clipboard content to curren tmux panel
prefix - C -csend tmux show-buffer content to the systemt clipboard and you can [⌘ + v] to paste anywhere you wan

for copy-mode: use normal vim-style short-key [v] to chose and [y] to copy current content when you exit copy-mode,you can use [prefix + p] to paste in tmux and you can use [prefix - C - c] send content to systemt clipboard;

v/Vchose like vim
ysend current content to the tmux clipboard and you can use prefix - p paste in normal mode

setup.sh modify this :https://github.com/tankywoo/dotfiles and just use create symbool link