
cs3103 assignment 1: multi-threaded file server.

Primary LanguageC

===== CS3103 programming assignment 1 submission =====
Name:       Liu Jialong
Matric #:   U0909122
GROUP #:    25

A brief explanation
client and fileserver both have active-open and passive-listen actions.
The server starts with 2 listening ports, one for commands/results, one exclusively for file transfers.
The client starts with listening on 1 port (for file transfer) and actively connecting to server's port for commands/results. It then dynamically creates threads and sockets to pull files when a "get" command is entered.

Comments to grader
I have chosen to implement the following (hopefully correctly) to get bonus points:
  a) Client can handle multiple simultaneous downloads of different files.

     I start a thread for each download, therefore command entering will not be blocked. (client.c:159)

  b) Clients connect directly to  other clients to download the shared
     files. The clients is listening for connections on a port.

     This port number,  however, is not transmitted to  the server. It
     is a shared  knowledge in constants.h.  I know  it is not perfect
     to do so, but I didnt have enough left... :( :p

     When a client wants to download a file located at another client,
     it obtains the IP address and  port number of the client from the

     Each client listens on a well-known high port for file requests. (client.c:121,183)