
CS349 UI for rating images

Primary LanguageJava



An android application called “Fotag - jl2ma” that downloads a set of images from the internet. You can load, clear, rate and filter them.

List of Features

Requirements: https://www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~cs349/w19/assignments/a4.html


  • A load button, which loads a set of 10 images over the network from this URL: https://www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~cs349/w19/assignments/images. If the list already contains images, clicking on this button should clear the list and replace with a fresh set of images from that URL.
  • A clear button, removes all images from the list.
  • A filter widget, showing 5-stars, used to filter the image list based on rating. Supports filtering by "any" image, or "1-5" where the filter shows all images that have that rating or higher. Drag all the way to the left to clear filter


  • Each image in the grid is shown as a thumbnail, with a set of 5-stars beneath it. Users can touch a star to select a rating, and they can clear the rating on an individual image by dragging the bar all the way to the left.
  • Touching the image thumbnail in the grid will enlarge the image to full-screen (white background). Touching it a second time dismisses the window.
  • Loading or clearing the list will clear the ratings. Ratings are not saved between sessions.
  • Supports vertical layout with 1 image on each row, and horizontal layout, with 2 images on each row.