
run unbound dns with grafana dashboard on raspberry pi

MIT LicenseMIT

this repo is no longer maintained.

currently I am using the docker version only.

Unbound Config

config files for unbound recursive dns and a dashboard config based on grafana, runnable on pi



The following steps have been tested to be working on Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 LTS for Raspberry Pi 2. Newer versions of hardware should work as well.

  1. install and config unbound, including setup new control certificate for the server (needed when exporting the stats with unbound_exporter)

    sudo apt-get install unbound
    sudo curl -o /var/lib/unbound/root.hints https://www.internic.net/domain/named.cache
    sudo cp unbound.conf /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/
    sudo systemctl enable unbound
    sudo service unbound restart
    • guide to configure unbound

    • to generate self-signing certificate for unbound control interface if you don't have any under /etc/unbound

      sudo unbound-control-setup

      this will generate unbound_server.pem, unbound_server.key, unbound_control.pem, unbound_control.key

    • to update root.hint automatically, edit /etc/crontab

      #unbound update root hint
      55 4    * * *   root    curl -o /var/lib/unbound/root.hints https://www.internic.net/domain/named.cache

      to learn how to use crontab: https://crontab guru

  2. install Grafana

  3. install PROMETHEUS

    sudo apt-get install prometheus

  4. compile and install unbound_exporter, which uses unbound control interface to export stats to a webpage

    go get github.com/kumina/unbound_exporter
    go install github.com/kumina/unbound_exporter
    sudo cp go/bin/unbound_exporter /usr/bin
    sudo cp go/bin/unbound_exporter /usr/sbin
    sudo cp unbound-exporter.service /lib/systemd/system/
    sudo systemctl enable unbound-exporter.service
    sudo service unbound-exporter restart
  5. config PROMETHEUS file to use unbound_exporter as a source

    • sudo cp prometheus.yml /etc/prometheus/

    • may/maynot need to enable unbound scrap service in prometheus control panel at http://pi_address:9090/targets

  6. in grafana(http://pi_address:3000): add data source -> prometheus in grafana web panel

    url: localhost:9090

  7. install unbound panel

    1. manage panel->import via panel json
    2. copy contents in grafana.json over. This panel was modified from unbound dashboard by svartalf
  8. after installation, grafana should be accessed at http://pi_address:3000




performance over 400Mbps/?Mbps cable connecton


 Final benchmark results, sorted by nameserver performance:
 (average cached name retrieval speed, fastest to slowest)

  192.168.  1.  2 |  Min  |  Avg  |  Max  |Std.Dev|Reliab%|
  + Cached Name   | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.002 | 0.000 | 100.0 |
  + Uncached Name | 0.016 | 0.067 | 0.279 | 0.065 | 100.0 |
  + DotCom Lookup | 0.018 | 0.046 | 0.088 | 0.026 | 100.0 |